GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1 | Bioconductor annotation data package |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1.db | Bioconductor annotation data package |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ACCNUM | Map Manufacturer identifiers to Accession Numbers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ALIAS2PROBE | Map between Common Gene Symbol Identifiers and Manufacturer Identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1CHR | Map Manufacturer IDs to Chromosomes |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1CHRLENGTHS | A named vector for the length of each of the chromosomes |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1CHRLOC | Map Manufacturer IDs to Chromosomal Location |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1CHRLOCEND | Map Manufacturer IDs to Chromosomal Location |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1CPGCOORDINATE | Map Manufacturer IDs to genomic coordinate |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1DISTTOTSS | Map Manufacturer IDs to the distance to the transcript start of the nearest gene |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ENSEMBL | Map Ensembl gene accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ENSEMBL2PROBE | Map Ensembl gene accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ENTREZID | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Entrez Gene |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ENZYME | Map between Manufacturer IDs and Enzyme Commission (EC) Numbers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ENZYME2PROBE | Map between Enzyme Commission Numbers and Manufacturer Identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1GENENAME | Map between Manufacturer IDs and Genes |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1GO | Map between Manufacturer IDs and Gene Ontology (GO) |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1GO2ALLPROBES | Map between Gene Ontology (GO) Identifiers and all Manufacturer Identifiers in the subtree |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1GO2PROBE | Map between Gene Ontology (GO) and Manufacturer Identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ISCPGISLAND | Determine whether a probe is within a CpG island |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1LOCUSID | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Entrez Gene |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1MAP | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and cytogenetic maps/bands |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1MAPCOUNTS | Number of mapped keys for the maps in package GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1.db |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1OMIM | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM) identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ORGANISM | The Organism information for GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1 |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1ORGPKG | The Organism information for GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1 |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1PATH | Mappings between probe identifiers and KEGG pathway identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1PATH2PROBE | Map between Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway identifiers and Manufacturer Identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1PFAM | Map Manufacturer IDs to Pfam IDs |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1PMID | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and PubMed Identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1PMID2PROBE | Map between PubMed Identifiers and Manufacturer Identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1PROSITE | Map Manufacturer IDs to PROSITE ID |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1REFSEQ | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and RefSeq Identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1SYMBOL | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Gene Symbols |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1UNIGENE | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and UniGene cluster identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1UNIPROT | Map Uniprot accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1UNIPROT2PROBE | Map Uniprot accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1_dbconn | Collect information about the package annotation DB |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1_dbfile | Collect information about the package annotation DB |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1_dbInfo | Collect information about the package annotation DB |
GGHumanMethCancerPanelv1_dbschema | Collect information about the package annotation DB |