GOHyperGResult-class Class "GOHyperGResult" GOstats-defunct Defunct Functions in GOstats Package GOstats-package Tools for manipulating GO and microarrays. Ndists Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG subgroups. compCorrGraph A function to compute a correlation based graph from Gene Expression Data compGdist A function to compute the distance between pairs of nodes in a graph. hyperGTest Hypergeometric Tests for GO term association idx2dimnames Index to Dimnames makeGOGraph Construct a GO Graph notConn Find genes that are not connected to the others. oneGOGraph Construct the GO graph given a set of leaves. probeSetSummary Summarize Probe Sets Associated with a hyperGTest Result shortestPath Shortest Path Analysis simLL Functions to compute similarities between GO graphs and also between Entrez Gene IDs based on their induced GO graphs. termGraphs Extraction and Plotting of GO Terms from a GOHyperGResult Object triadCensus Triad Functions