GOstats-package | Tools for manipulating GO and microarrays. |
Bdists | Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG subgroups. |
combGOGraph | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
compCorrGraph | A function to compute a correlation based graph from Gene Expression Data |
compGdist | A function to compute the distance between pairs of nodes in a graph. |
conditional-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
enumPairs | Triad Functions |
expectedCounts-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
geneCounts-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
geneIdUniverse-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
getGoGraph | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
goDag | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
goDag-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
GOGraph | Construct the GO graph given a set of leaves. |
GOHyperG | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
GOHyperGResult-class | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
GOKEGGHyperG | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
GOLeaves | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
GOstats | Tools for manipulating GO and microarrays. |
GOstats-defunct | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
htmlReport-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
hyperG2Affy | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
hyperGtable | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
hyperGTest | Hypergeometric Tests for GO term association |
hyperGTest-method | Hypergeometric Tests for GO term association |
idx2dimnames | Index to Dimnames |
inducedTermGraph | Extraction and Plotting of GO Terms from a GOHyperGResult Object |
isTriad | Triad Functions |
makeGOGraph | Construct a GO Graph |
Ndists | Distance matrices for the BCR/ABL and NEG subgroups. |
notConn | Find genes that are not connected to the others. |
oddsRatios-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
oneGOGraph | Construct the GO graph given a set of leaves. |
plotGOTermGraph | Extraction and Plotting of GO Terms from a GOHyperGResult Object |
probeSetSummary | Summarize Probe Sets Associated with a hyperGTest Result |
pvalues-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
reduce2Degreek | Triad Functions |
selectedGenes | Defunct Functions in GOstats Package |
shortestPath | Shortest Path Analysis |
simLL | Functions to compute similarities between GO graphs and also between Entrez Gene IDs based on their induced GO graphs. |
simLP | Functions to compute similarities between GO graphs and also between Entrez Gene IDs based on their induced GO graphs. |
simUI | Functions to compute similarities between GO graphs and also between Entrez Gene IDs based on their induced GO graphs. |
summary-method | Class "GOHyperGResult" |
termGraphs | Extraction and Plotting of GO Terms from a GOHyperGResult Object |
triad | Triad Functions |
triadCensus | Triad Functions |