Package: GeneNet Version: 1.2.13 Date: 2015-09-02 Title: Modeling and Inferring Gene Networks Author: Juliane Schaefer, Rainer Opgen-Rhein, and Korbinian Strimmer. Maintainer: Korbinian Strimmer Depends: R (>= 3.0.2), corpcor (>= 1.6.8), longitudinal (>= 1.1.12), fdrtool (>= 1.2.15) Suggests: graph, Rgraphviz Imports: stats, grDevices Description: Analyzes gene expression (time series) data with focus on the inference of gene networks. In particular, GeneNet implements the methods of Schaefer and Strimmer (2005a,b,c) and Opgen-Rhein and Strimmer (2006, 2007) for learning large-scale gene association networks (including assignment of putative directions). License: GPL (>= 3) URL: Packaged: 2015-08-02 15:00:33 UTC; strimmer NeedsCompilation: no Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2015-08-02 19:17:14 Built: R 3.2.3; ; 2016-10-26 17:56:54 UTC; unix