colon.normal | Gene expression data |
colon.pheno | Covariate information for the colon data |
colon.tumour | Gene expression data |
GABroad | Gene set testing of gene set databases using GlobalAncova |
GAGO | Gene set testing of gene set databases using GlobalAncova |
GAKEGG | Gene set testing of gene set databases using GlobalAncova |
GlobalAncova | Global test for differential gene expression |
GlobalAncova-method | Global test for differential gene expression |
GlobalAncova-methods | Methods for Function GlobalAncova |
GlobalAncova.closed | Closed testing procedure for testing several groups of genes using GlobalAncova |
GlobalAncova.closed-method | Closed testing procedure for testing several groups of genes using GlobalAncova |
GlobalAncova.closed-methods | Methods for Function GlobalAncova.closed |
GlobalAncova.decomp | GlobalAncova with sequential and type III sum of squares decomposition and adjustment for global covariates | | Pairwise comparisons of factor levels within GlobalAncova |
pathways | Cancer related pathways |
phenodata | Covariate information for the van t'Veer data |
Plot.all | Combined visualization of sequential decomposition and influence of single genes on the GlobalAncova statistic |
Plot.genes | Genes Plot for Global Ancova |
Plot.genes-method | Genes Plot for Global Ancova |
Plot.genes-methods | Methods for Function Plot.genes |
Plot.sequential | Visualization of sequential decomposition |
Plot.subjects | Subjects Plot for GlobalAncova |
Plot.subjects-method | Subjects Plot for GlobalAncova |
Plot.subjects-methods | Methods for Function Plot.subjects |
vantVeer | Gene expression data |