Heatmaps with row and/or column covariates and colored clusters

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Documentation for package ‘Heatplus’ version 2.16.0

Help Pages

annHeatmap Annotated heatmaps
annHeatmap.default Annotated heatmaps
annHeatmap.ExpressionSet Annotated heatmaps
annHeatmap2 Annotated heatmaps
breakColors Color palette for (symmetric) breaks
BrewerClusterCol Color scheme for clusters
convAnnData Converting data frames for display as annotation
doLegend A simple legend
extractArg Override existing list entries
g2r.colors Palette from green to red via black
heatmapLayout Generate a layout for an (annotated) heatmap
heatmap_2 Display Data as Heatmap
heatmap_plus Display an Annotated Heatmap
modifyExistingList Override existing list entries
niceBreaks Get nice (symmetric) breaks for an interval
oldCutplot.dendrogram Plot Subtrees of a Dendrogram in Different Colors
oldPicketplot Barplots for Several Binary Variables
picketPlot Display a data frame of annotation information
plot.annHeatmap Plotting method for annotated heatmaps
print.annHeatmap Printing information about annotated heatmaps
RainbowPastel Alternative color schemes
regHeatmap Regular heatmaps with a legend
regHeatmap.default Regular heatmaps with a legend
RGBColVec Alternative color schemes