KEGG.db Bioconductor annotation data package KEGGENZYMEID2GO An annotation data object that maps Enzyme Commission numbers to Gene Ontology identifiers KEGGEXTID2PATHID An annotation data object that maps Entrez Gene or Open Reading Frame identifiers KEGG pathway identifiers KEGGGO2ENZYMEID An annotation data object that maps Gene Ontology (GO) identifiers to Enzyme Commission numbers KEGGMAPCOUNTS Number of mapped keys for the maps in package KEGG.db KEGGPATHID2EXTID An annotation data object that maps KEGG pathway identifiers to Entrez Gene or Open Reading Frame identifiers. KEGGPATHID2NAME An annotation data object that maps KEGG pathway identifiers to KEGG pathway names KEGGPATHNAME2ID An annotation data object that maps KEGG pathway names to identifiers for the corresponding pathway names used by KEGG KEGG_dbconn Collect information about the package annotation DB