Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl

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Documentation for package ‘MKmisc’ version 0.993

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MKmisc-package Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl.
AUC Compute AUC
AUC.test AUC-Test
binomCI Confidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions
corDist Correlation Distance Matrix Computation
corPlot Plot of similarity matrix based on correlation
fiveNS Five-Number Summaries
heatmapCol Generate colors for heatmaps
HLgof.test Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit tests.
IQrange The Interquartile Range
madCI Confidence Intervals for Quantiles
madMatrix Compute MAD between colums of a matrix or data.frame
madPlot Plot of similarity matrix based on MAD
medianCI Confidence Intervals for Quantiles
mi.t.test Multiple Imputation Student's t-Test
mi.t.test.default Multiple Imputation Student's t-Test
MKmisc Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl.
oneWayAnova A function for Analysis of Variance
or2rr Transform OR to RR
pairwise.auc Compute pairwise AUCs
pairwise.fc Compute pairwise fold changes
pairwise.fun Compute pairwise values for a given function
pairwise.logfc Compute pairwise log-fold changes
power.diagnostic.test Power calculations for a diagnostic test
predValues Compute PPV and NPV.
qboxplot Box Plots
qboxplot.default Box Plots
qboxplot.formula Box Plots
qbxp.stats Box Plot Statistics
quantileCI Confidence Intervals for Quantiles
repMeans Compute mean of replicated spots
simCorVars Simulate correlated variables.
simPlot Plot of a similarity matrix.
ssize.pcc Sample Size Planning for Developing Classifiers Using High Dimensional Data
stringDist Function to compute distances between strings
stringSim Function to compute similarity scores between strings
traceBack Function to trace back
twoWayAnova A function for Analysis of Variance