MKmisc-package | Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl. |
AUC | Compute AUC |
AUC.test | AUC-Test |
binomCI | Confidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions |
corDist | Correlation Distance Matrix Computation |
corPlot | Plot of similarity matrix based on correlation |
fiveNS | Five-Number Summaries |
heatmapCol | Generate colors for heatmaps |
HLgof.test | Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit tests. |
IQrange | The Interquartile Range |
madCI | Confidence Intervals for Quantiles |
madMatrix | Compute MAD between colums of a matrix or data.frame |
madPlot | Plot of similarity matrix based on MAD |
medianCI | Confidence Intervals for Quantiles |
mi.t.test | Multiple Imputation Student's t-Test |
mi.t.test.default | Multiple Imputation Student's t-Test |
MKmisc | Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl. |
oneWayAnova | A function for Analysis of Variance |
or2rr | Transform OR to RR |
pairwise.auc | Compute pairwise AUCs |
pairwise.fc | Compute pairwise fold changes | | Compute pairwise values for a given function |
pairwise.logfc | Compute pairwise log-fold changes |
power.diagnostic.test | Power calculations for a diagnostic test |
predValues | Compute PPV and NPV. |
qboxplot | Box Plots |
qboxplot.default | Box Plots |
qboxplot.formula | Box Plots |
qbxp.stats | Box Plot Statistics |
quantileCI | Confidence Intervals for Quantiles |
repMeans | Compute mean of replicated spots |
simCorVars | Simulate correlated variables. |
simPlot | Plot of a similarity matrix. |
ssize.pcc | Sample Size Planning for Developing Classifiers Using High Dimensional Data |
stringDist | Function to compute distances between strings |
stringSim | Function to compute similarity scores between strings |
traceBack | Function to trace back |
twoWayAnova | A function for Analysis of Variance |