Arguments Static class to validate and process arguments Assert The Assert class FileProgressBar A progress bar that sets the size of a file accordingly GString Character string with advanced substitutions Java Static class for Java related methods LComments The LComments class NullVerbose A Verbose class ignoring everything Options The Options class ProgressBar Provides text based counting progress bar R.utils-package Package R.utils Settings Class for applicational settings SmartComments Abstract class SmartComments System Static class to query information about the system TextStatusBar A status bar at the R prompt that can be updated TimeoutException TimeoutException represents timeout errors VComments The VComments class Verbose Class to writing verbose messages to a connection or file addFinalizerToLast Modifies .Last() to call 'finalizeSession() as.character.binmode Converts a binary/octal/hexadecimal number into a string attachLocally.list Assigns an objects elements locally callHooks Call hook functions by hook name callHooks.function Call hook functions capitalize Capitalizes/decapitalizes each character string in a vector captureOutput Evaluate an R expression and captures the output cmdArgs Simple access to parsed command-line arguments colClasses Creates a vector of column classes used for tabular reading compressFile Compressing and decompressing files compressPDF Compresses a PDF (into a new PDF) copyDirectory Copies a directory countLines Counts the number of lines in a text file createFileAtomically Creates a file atomically createLink Creates a link to a file or a directory createWindowsShortcut Creates a Microsoft Windows Shortcut (.lnk file) dataFrame Allocates a data frame with given column classes detachPackage Detaches packages by name dimNA< - Sets the dimension of an object with the option to infer one dimension autmatically displayCode Displays the contents of a text file with line numbers and more doCall Executes a function call with option to ignore unused arguments downloadFile.character Downloads a file egsub Global substitute of expression using regular expressions env Creates a new environment, evaluates an expression therein, and returns the environment extract.array Extract a subset of an array, matrix or a vector with unknown dimensions fileAccess Checks the permission of a file or a directory filePath Construct the path to a file from components and expands Windows Shortcuts along the pathname from root to leaf finalizeSession Function to call for finalizing the R session findSourceTraceback Finds all 'srcfile' objects generated by source() in all call frames gcDLLs Identifies and removes DLLs of packages already unloaded gcat Parses, evaluates and outputs a GString getAbsolutePath Gets the absolute pathname string getParent Gets the string of the parent specified by this pathname getRelativePath Gets the relative pathname relative to a directory gstring Parses and evaluates a GString into a regular string hasUrlProtocol Checks if one or several pathnames has a URL protocol hpaste Concatenating vectors into human-readable strings inAnyInterval.numeric Checks if a set of values are inside one or more intervals insert Insert values to a vector at certain positions installPackages Install R packages by name or URL intToBin Converts an integer to a binary/octal/hexadecimal number intervalsToSeq.matrix Generates a vector of indices from a matrix of intervals isAbsolutePath Checks if this pathname is absolute isDirectory Checks if the file specification is a directory isEof.connection Checks if the current file position for a connection is at the 'End of File' isFile Checks if the file specification is a file isOpen.character Checks if there is an open connection to a file isPackageInstalled Checks if a package is installed or not isPackageLoaded Checks if a package is loaded or not isReplicated Identifies all entries with replicated values isSingle Identifies all entries that exists exactly ones isUrl Checks if one or several pathnames is URLs isZero Checks if a value is (close to) zero or not lastModified Gets the time when the file was last modified listDirectory Gets the file names in the directory loadObject Method to load object from a file or a connection mapToIntervals.numeric Maps values to intervals mergeIntervals.numeric Merges intervals mkdirs Creates a directory including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories mout Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() mpager A \"pager\" function that outputs to standard error nullfile Gets the pathname of the NULL device on the current platform onGarbageCollect Registers a function to be called when the R garbage collector is (detected to be) running onSessionExit Registers a function to be called when the R session finishes patchCode Patches installed and loaded packages and more popBackupFile Drops a backup suffix from the backup pathname popTemporaryFile Drops a temporary suffix from the temporary pathname printf C-style formatted output pushBackupFile Appends a backup suffix to the pathname pushTemporaryFile Appends a temporary suffix to the pathname queryRCmdCheck Gets the on R CMD check if the current R session was launched by it readBinFragments Reads binary data from disjoint sections of a connection or a file readRdHelp Reads one or more Rd help files in a certain format readTable Reads a file in table format readTableIndex Reads a single column from file in table format readWindowsShortcut Reads a Microsoft Windows Shortcut (.lnk file) removeDirectory Removes a directory resample Sample values from a set of elements saveObject Saves an object to a file or a connection seqToHumanReadable Gets a short human readable string representation of an vector of indices seqToIntervals Gets all contigous intervals of a vector of indices setOption Sets a option in R shell.exec2 Open a file or URL using Windows File Associations sourceDirectory Sources files recursively to either local or global environment sourceTo Parses and evaluates code from a file or a connection splitByPattern Splits a single character string by pattern stext Writes text in the margin along the sides of a plot subplots Creates a grid of subplots systemR Launches another R process from within R toUrl Converts a pathname into a URL touchFile Updates the timestamp of a file unwrap.array Unwrap an array, matrix or a vector to an array of more dimensions useRepos Sets package repositories withCapture Evaluates an expression and captures the code and/or the output withLocale Evaluate an R expression with locale set temporarily withOptions Evaluate an R expression with options set temporarily withRepos Evaluate an R expression with repositories set temporarily withSeed Evaluate an R expression with a temporarily set random set withSink Evaluate an R expression while temporarily diverting output withTimeout Evaluate an R expression and interrupts it if it takes too long wrap.array Reshape an array or a matrix by permuting and/or joining dimensions writeBinFragments Writes binary data to disjoint sections of a connection or a file Writes a data.frame to tabular text file