R.utils-package | Package R.utils |
addFinalizerToLast | Modifies .Last() to call 'finalizeSession() |
addFinalizerToLast.default | Modifies .Last() to call 'finalizeSession() |
Arguments | Static class to validate and process arguments |
as.character.binmode | Converts a binary/octal/hexadecimal number into a string |
Assert | The Assert class |
attachLocally | Assigns an objects elements locally |
attachLocally.data.frame | Assigns an objects elements locally |
attachLocally.environment | Assigns an objects elements locally |
attachLocally.list | Assigns an objects elements locally |
bunzip2 | Compressing and decompressing files |
bunzip2.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
bzip2 | Compressing and decompressing files |
bzip2.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
callHooks | Call hook functions by hook name |
callHooks.default | Call hook functions by hook name |
callHooks.function | Call hook functions |
callHooks.list | Call hook functions |
capitalize | Capitalizes/decapitalizes each character string in a vector |
capitalize.default | Capitalizes/decapitalizes each character string in a vector |
captureOutput | Evaluate an R expression and captures the output |
ccat | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
cmdArg | Simple access to parsed command-line arguments |
cmdArgs | Simple access to parsed command-line arguments |
cmsg | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
colClasses | Creates a vector of column classes used for tabular reading |
colClasses.default | Creates a vector of column classes used for tabular reading |
compressFile | Compressing and decompressing files |
compressFile.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
compressPDF | Compresses a PDF (into a new PDF) |
compressPDF.default | Compresses a PDF (into a new PDF) |
copyDirectory | Copies a directory |
copyDirectory.default | Copies a directory |
countLines | Counts the number of lines in a text file |
countLines.default | Counts the number of lines in a text file |
cout | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
cprint | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
cprintf | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
createFileAtomically | Creates a file atomically |
createFileAtomically.default | Creates a file atomically |
createLink | Creates a link to a file or a directory |
createLink.default | Creates a link to a file or a directory |
createWindowsShortcut | Creates a Microsoft Windows Shortcut (.lnk file) |
createWindowsShortcut.default | Creates a Microsoft Windows Shortcut (.lnk file) |
cshow | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
cstr | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
dataFrame | Allocates a data frame with given column classes |
dataFrame.default | Allocates a data frame with given column classes |
decapitalize | Capitalizes/decapitalizes each character string in a vector |
decapitalize.default | Capitalizes/decapitalizes each character string in a vector |
decompressFile | Compressing and decompressing files |
decompressFile.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
detachPackage | Detaches packages by name |
detachPackage.default | Detaches packages by name |
dimNA< - | Sets the dimension of an object with the option to infer one dimension autmatically |
dimNA< -.default | Sets the dimension of an object with the option to infer one dimension autmatically |
dimNA<- | Sets the dimension of an object with the option to infer one dimension autmatically |
dimNA<-.default | Sets the dimension of an object with the option to infer one dimension autmatically |
displayCode | Displays the contents of a text file with line numbers and more |
displayCode.default | Displays the contents of a text file with line numbers and more |
doCall | Executes a function call with option to ignore unused arguments |
doCall.default | Executes a function call with option to ignore unused arguments |
downloadFile | Downloads a file |
downloadFile.character | Downloads a file |
egsub | Global substitute of expression using regular expressions |
env | Creates a new environment, evaluates an expression therein, and returns the environment |
evalCapture | Evaluates an expression and captures the code and/or the output |
evalWithTimeout | Evaluate an R expression and interrupts it if it takes too long |
extract.array | Extract a subset of an array, matrix or a vector with unknown dimensions |
extract.default | Extract a subset of an array, matrix or a vector with unknown dimensions |
extract.matrix | Extract a subset of an array, matrix or a vector with unknown dimensions |
fileAccess | Checks the permission of a file or a directory |
fileAccess.default | Checks the permission of a file or a directory |
filePath | Construct the path to a file from components and expands Windows Shortcuts along the pathname from root to leaf |
filePath.default | Construct the path to a file from components and expands Windows Shortcuts along the pathname from root to leaf |
FileProgressBar | A progress bar that sets the size of a file accordingly |
finalizeSession | Function to call for finalizing the R session |
finalizeSession.default | Function to call for finalizing the R session |
findSourceTraceback | Finds all 'srcfile' objects generated by source() in all call frames |
findSourceTraceback.default | Finds all 'srcfile' objects generated by source() in all call frames |
gcat | Parses, evaluates and outputs a GString |
gcat.default | Parses, evaluates and outputs a GString |
gcat.GString | Parses, evaluates and outputs a GString |
gcDLLs | Identifies and removes DLLs of packages already unloaded |
getAbsolutePath | Gets the absolute pathname string |
getAbsolutePath.default | Gets the absolute pathname string |
getParent | Gets the string of the parent specified by this pathname |
getParent.default | Gets the string of the parent specified by this pathname |
getRelativePath | Gets the relative pathname relative to a directory |
getRelativePath.default | Gets the relative pathname relative to a directory |
GString | Character string with advanced substitutions |
gstring | Parses and evaluates a GString into a regular string |
gstring.default | Parses and evaluates a GString into a regular string |
gstring.GString | Parses and evaluates a GString into a regular string |
gunzip | Compressing and decompressing files |
gunzip.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
gzip | Compressing and decompressing files |
gzip.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
hasUrlProtocol | Checks if one or several pathnames has a URL protocol |
hasUrlProtocol.default | Checks if one or several pathnames has a URL protocol |
hpaste | Concatenating vectors into human-readable strings |
hpaste.default | Concatenating vectors into human-readable strings |
inAnyInterval.numeric | Checks if a set of values are inside one or more intervals |
insert | Insert values to a vector at certain positions |
insert.default | Insert values to a vector at certain positions |
installPackages | Install R packages by name or URL |
installPackages.default | Install R packages by name or URL |
intervalsToSeq.matrix | Generates a vector of indices from a matrix of intervals |
intToBin | Converts an integer to a binary/octal/hexadecimal number |
intToHex | Converts an integer to a binary/octal/hexadecimal number |
intToOct | Converts an integer to a binary/octal/hexadecimal number |
isAbsolutePath | Checks if this pathname is absolute |
isAbsolutePath.default | Checks if this pathname is absolute |
isBzipped | Compressing and decompressing files |
isBzipped.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
isCompressedFile | Compressing and decompressing files |
isCompressedFile.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
isDirectory | Checks if the file specification is a directory |
isDirectory.default | Checks if the file specification is a directory |
isEof.connection | Checks if the current file position for a connection is at the 'End of File' |
isFile | Checks if the file specification is a file |
isFile.default | Checks if the file specification is a file |
isGzipped | Compressing and decompressing files |
isGzipped.default | Compressing and decompressing files |
isOpen.character | Checks if there is an open connection to a file |
isPackageInstalled | Checks if a package is installed or not |
isPackageInstalled.default | Checks if a package is installed or not |
isPackageLoaded | Checks if a package is loaded or not |
isPackageLoaded.default | Checks if a package is loaded or not |
isReplicated | Identifies all entries with replicated values |
isSingle | Identifies all entries that exists exactly ones |
isUrl | Checks if one or several pathnames is URLs |
isUrl.default | Checks if one or several pathnames is URLs |
isZero | Checks if a value is (close to) zero or not |
isZero.default | Checks if a value is (close to) zero or not |
Java | Static class for Java related methods |
lastModified | Gets the time when the file was last modified |
lastModified.default | Gets the time when the file was last modified |
LComments | The LComments class |
listDirectory | Gets the file names in the directory |
listDirectory.default | Gets the file names in the directory |
loadObject | Method to load object from a file or a connection |
loadObject.default | Method to load object from a file or a connection |
mapToIntervals.numeric | Maps values to intervals |
mcat | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
mergeIntervals.numeric | Merges intervals |
mkdirs | Creates a directory including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories |
mkdirs.default | Creates a directory including any necessary but nonexistent parent directories |
mout | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
mpager | A \"pager\" function that outputs to standard error |
mprint | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
mprintf | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
mshow | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
mstr | Miscellaneous functions for outputting via message() |
nullfile | Gets the pathname of the NULL device on the current platform |
NullVerbose | A Verbose class ignoring everything |
onGarbageCollect | Registers a function to be called when the R garbage collector is (detected to be) running |
onGarbageCollect.default | Registers a function to be called when the R garbage collector is (detected to be) running |
onSessionExit | Registers a function to be called when the R session finishes |
onSessionExit.default | Registers a function to be called when the R session finishes |
Options | The Options class |
parseRepos | Sets package repositories |
patchCode | Patches installed and loaded packages and more |
patchCode.default | Patches installed and loaded packages and more |
popBackupFile | Drops a backup suffix from the backup pathname |
popBackupFile.default | Drops a backup suffix from the backup pathname |
popTemporaryFile | Drops a temporary suffix from the temporary pathname |
popTemporaryFile.default | Drops a temporary suffix from the temporary pathname |
printf | C-style formatted output |
printf.default | C-style formatted output |
ProgressBar | Provides text based counting progress bar |
pushBackupFile | Appends a backup suffix to the pathname |
pushBackupFile.default | Appends a backup suffix to the pathname |
pushTemporaryFile | Appends a temporary suffix to the pathname |
pushTemporaryFile.default | Appends a temporary suffix to the pathname |
queryRCmdCheck | Gets the on R CMD check if the current R session was launched by it |
R.utils | Package R.utils |
readBinFragments | Reads binary data from disjoint sections of a connection or a file |
readBinFragments.default | Reads binary data from disjoint sections of a connection or a file |
readRdHelp | Reads one or more Rd help files in a certain format |
readRdHelp.default | Reads one or more Rd help files in a certain format |
readTable | Reads a file in table format |
readTable.default | Reads a file in table format |
readTableIndex | Reads a single column from file in table format |
readTableIndex.default | Reads a single column from file in table format |
readWindowsShortcut | Reads a Microsoft Windows Shortcut (.lnk file) |
readWindowsShortcut.default | Reads a Microsoft Windows Shortcut (.lnk file) |
removeDirectory | Removes a directory |
removeDirectory.default | Removes a directory |
replicates | Identifies all entries with replicated values |
resample | Sample values from a set of elements |
resample.default | Sample values from a set of elements |
saveObject | Saves an object to a file or a connection |
saveObject.default | Saves an object to a file or a connection |
seqToHumanReadable | Gets a short human readable string representation of an vector of indices |
seqToHumanReadable.default | Gets a short human readable string representation of an vector of indices |
seqToIntervals | Gets all contigous intervals of a vector of indices |
seqToIntervals.default | Gets all contigous intervals of a vector of indices |
setOption | Sets a option in R |
setOption.default | Sets a option in R |
Settings | Class for applicational settings |
shell.exec2 | Open a file or URL using Windows File Associations |
singles | Identifies all entries that exists exactly ones |
SmartComments | Abstract class SmartComments |
sourceDirectory | Sources files recursively to either local or global environment |
sourceDirectory.default | Sources files recursively to either local or global environment |
sourceTo | Parses and evaluates code from a file or a connection |
sourceTo.default | Parses and evaluates code from a file or a connection |
splitByPattern | Splits a single character string by pattern |
splitByPattern.default | Splits a single character string by pattern |
stext | Writes text in the margin along the sides of a plot |
stext.default | Writes text in the margin along the sides of a plot |
strayDLLs | Identifies and removes DLLs of packages already unloaded |
subplots | Creates a grid of subplots |
subplots.default | Creates a grid of subplots |
System | Static class to query information about the system |
systemR | Launches another R process from within R |
systemR.default | Launches another R process from within R |
TextStatusBar | A status bar at the R prompt that can be updated |
TimeoutException | TimeoutException represents timeout errors |
touchFile | Updates the timestamp of a file |
touchFile.default | Updates the timestamp of a file |
toUrl | Converts a pathname into a URL |
toUrl.default | Converts a pathname into a URL |
unwrap.array | Unwrap an array, matrix or a vector to an array of more dimensions |
unwrap.data.frame | Unwrap an array, matrix or a vector to an array of more dimensions |
unwrap.default | Unwrap an array, matrix or a vector to an array of more dimensions |
unwrap.matrix | Unwrap an array, matrix or a vector to an array of more dimensions |
useRepos | Sets package repositories |
VComments | The VComments class |
Verbose | Class to writing verbose messages to a connection or file |
withCapture | Evaluates an expression and captures the code and/or the output |
withLocale | Evaluate an R expression with locale set temporarily |
withOptions | Evaluate an R expression with options set temporarily |
withRepos | Evaluate an R expression with repositories set temporarily |
withSeed | Evaluate an R expression with a temporarily set random set |
withSink | Evaluate an R expression while temporarily diverting output |
withTimeout | Evaluate an R expression and interrupts it if it takes too long |
wrap.array | Reshape an array or a matrix by permuting and/or joining dimensions |
wrap.data.frame | Reshape an array or a matrix by permuting and/or joining dimensions |
wrap.matrix | Reshape an array or a matrix by permuting and/or joining dimensions |
writeBinFragments | Writes binary data to disjoint sections of a connection or a file |
writeBinFragments.default | Writes binary data to disjoint sections of a connection or a file |
writeDataFrame | Writes a data.frame to tabular text file |
writeDataFrame.data.frame | Writes a data.frame to tabular text file |