# 2016-06-23 - Version 2.3.2
- Fix error on pqR due to '..' instead of '...'.
# 2014-09-21 - Version 2.3.1
- Fixed message "Warning in formatC(Signif) : class of 'x' was discarded"
- Fixed problem looking up objects in Sweave. R Code inside
Sweave files is now evaluated in .GlobalEnv, again, as
before version 2.3.0.
# 2014-09-06 - Version 2.3
- API BREAK: Make package conform to new CRAN policies.
- .HTML.file is no longer stored in the global environment:
use HTMLSetFile() and HTMLGetFile() instead of modifying it directly.
- .HTMLenv is no longer stored in the global environment:
it should never have been accessed directly in the first place.
- fix() is no longer replaced during HTMLStart()/HTMLStop() sessions.
- Remove obsolete handling of 'date' class from package survival.
- Remove obsolete support for old format of objects from the rpart package.
# 2010-10-04
- Correction of a minor bug in HTMLInitFile discovered by Benoît Beck
# 2010-05-19 - Version 2.1
- Add line breaks in HTML generation for better readability.
# 2008-05-23 - Version 1.59
- Corrected call of unexported function from
Sweave.R (utils package) in RweaveHTMLWritedoc.
- Corrected explicit call of S3Method print from
package xtable.
- Corrected explicit call of S3Method from package
- Corrected explicit call of isInitialized from
nlme package.
- Corrected explicit call of volume from
cluster package.
- Corrected explicit calls of imp.moments
from boot package.
- Corrected explicit calls of splineOrder and
splineKnots from splines package.
- Corrected explicit call of date.ddmmmyy from
survival package.
- Fixed rpart HTML S3 method to include tree.depth
function defined internally, as rpart package is not
exporting it anymore.
- Fixed .HTML.file warning of no visible bindings
in almost every function of the package.
- Fixed bug in HTML.data.frame outputing invalid
code (missing opening
) when row.names was
set to FALSE. As patch submited by Michael Irskens and
also reported by Rik Schoemaker.
- Fixed bug in HTML.matrix, opening of
wasn't being carried. Pending the fixing of
excess of 's.
- Fixed miscelaneous bugs in CSS files.
# 2006-09-28 - Version 1.58
- Fixed bug in HTMLcore.R (unintended \ interpolation)
- Fixed bug in HTMLfi() call inside HTML.summary.lm,
which made R CMD check fail on Windows.
- Uniformization of capitalization of HTML tags
(to lowercase), in conformity with the
XHTML 1.0 standard.
- Updated HTML.data.frame to include row.names
option, as contributed by Tobias Verbeke on
# 2006-07-04 - Version 1.57
- Added the HTML2clip wrapper, suggested by Gabor
- Miscelaneous fixes to documentation (contributed
by Tobias Verbeke)
- Cleaning up of man directory of spurious files as
suggested by Kurt Honik
# 2006-01-25 - Version 1.56
- Replaced instances of format.char (now deprecated in
R 2.2.0) by formatC.
- Enclosed HTMLInsertGraph examples in \dontrun{}, so
that R CMD check runs fine without an interactive display.
# 2005-02-28 - Version 1.52
- Added methods for lme/nlme, submitted by:
Dieter Menne, (Dr. Menne Biomed Software Tübingen)
# 2005-01-13 - Version 1.51
- Added as.latex and HTML.latex to write pieces of equations in Latex.
They will be displayed using AsciiMathML
# 2004-11-20 - Version 1.5
- Includes a grid xHTML/css/Javascript compoment from ActiveWidgets
This grid is used by some functions, basically:
HTMLgrid (use data exported in a raw text file)
HTMLgrid_inline (include data within the HTML file)
HTMLgrid_summary (a summary method for data.frames)
WARNING: may not fully work on Firefox.
# 2004-10-19 - Version 1.4-3
- HTML.matrix and HTML.data.frame now can use several new output options
as they call now 'format. This allows using a comma "," as decimal
separator for example. All 'format' arguments are allowed and can be used
as a single element (value applies to all columns) or a vector (provide
values for each column). - Suggestion by Arne Henningsen
- HTML.data.frame now has a sortableDF option. When using it, a link to
an external DHTML behavior file is done (suggestion by Tom Short, could be
used by it's wonderful Rpad)
- Available options that user may want to change
(default for every matrix/DF):
R2HTML.sortableDF (FALSE)
R2HTML.format.digits (2)
R2HTML.format.nsmall (0)
R2HTML.format.big.mark ("")
R2HTML.format.big.interval (3)
R2HTML.format.decimal.mark= (Sys.localeconv()[["decimal_point"]])
- Bug fixed: HTML.table
Following modifications contributed by Philippe Grosjean
- Now uses NAMESPACE
- Renamed .First.lib() into .onLoad()
- In RweaveHTMLSetup(), commented if(!require(R2HTML))
stop("R2HTML package is required.").
This is not useful, becasue this function IS in R2HTML package!!!
- Changed utils:::XXX and utils::XXX into XXX everywhere, and added
import(utils) in NAMESPACE instead.