$,genind-method Accessors for adegenet objects DNAbin2genind Importing data from an alignement of sequences to a genind object H3N2 Seasonal influenza (H3N2) HA segment data HWE.test.genind Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium test for multilocus data Hs Expected heterozygosity (Hs) Hs.test Test differences in expected heterozygosity (Hs) SNPbin-class Formal class "SNPbin" a.score Compute and optimize a-score for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) adegenet.package The adegenet package adegenetServer Web servers for adegenet adegenetWeb Functions to access online resources for adegenet as-method Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes as.SNPbin Conversion to class "SNPbin" as.genlight Conversion to class "genlight" checkType Auxiliary functions for adegenet chooseCN Function to choose a connection network colorplot Represents a cloud of points with colors coords.monmonier Returns original points in results paths of an object of class 'monmonier' dapc Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) dapcIllus Simulated data illustrating the DAPC df2genind Convert a data.frame of allele data to a genind object. dist.genpop Genetic distances between populations eHGDP Extended HGDP-CEPH dataset extract.PLINKmap Reading PLINK Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data fasta2DNAbin Read large DNA alignments into R fasta2genlight Extract Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) from alignments find.clusters find.cluster: cluster identification using successive K-means findMutations Identify mutations between DNA sequences gengraph Genetic transitive graphs genind-class adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes genind2df Convert a genind object to a data.frame. genind2genpop Conversion from a genind to a genpop object genlight-class Formal class "genlight" genpop-class adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations glPca Principal Component Analysis for genlight objects glPlot Plotting genlight objects glSim Simulation of simple genlight objects glSum Auxiliary functions for genlight objects global.rtest Global and local tests haploGen Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes hier Access and manipulate the population hierarchy for genind or genlight objects. hybridize Function hybridize takes two genind in inputs and generates hybrids individuals having one parent in both objects. import2genind Importing data from several softwares to a genind object inbreeding Likelihood-based estimation of inbreeding indInfo-class Virtual classes for adegenet initialize,genind-method genind constructor initialize,genpop-method genpop constructor isPoly-methods Assess polymorphism in genind/genpop objects loadingplot Represents a cloud of points with colors makefreq Compute allelic frequencies microbov Microsatellites genotypes of 15 cattle breeds minorAllele Compute minor allele frequency monmonier Boundary detection using Monmonier algorithm nancycats Microsatellites genotypes of 237 cats from 17 colonies of Nancy (France) old2new_genind Convert objects with obsolete classes into new objects pairDistPlot Pairwise distance plots propShared Compute proportion of shared alleles propTyped-methods Compute the proportion of typed elements read.fstat Reading data from Fstat read.genepop Reading data from Genepop read.genetix Reading data from GENETIX read.snp Reading Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data read.structure Reading data from STRUCTURE repool Pool several genotypes into a single dataset rupica Microsatellites genotypes of 335 chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) from the Bauges mountains (France) scaleGen Compute scaled allele frequencies scatter.dapc Graphics for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) selPopSize Select genotypes of well-represented populations seploc Separate data per locus seppop Separate genotypes per population seqTrack SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies setPop Manipulate the population factor of genind objects. sim2pop Simulated genotypes of two georeferenced populations snpposi.plot Analyse the position of polymorphic sites snpzip Identification of structural SNPs spca Spatial principal component analysis spcaIllus Simulated data illustrating the sPCA strata Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. tab Access allele counts or frequencies truenames Restore true labels of an object xvalDapc Cross-validation for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC)