A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P R S T U W X misc
adegenet.package-package | The adegenet package |
a.score | Compute and optimize a-score for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
addStrata | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
addStrata-method | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
addStrata<- | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
addStrata<--method | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
adegenet | The adegenet package |
adegenet.package | The adegenet package |
adegenetIssues | Functions to access online resources for adegenet |
adegenetServer | Web servers for adegenet |
adegenetTutorial | Functions to access online resources for adegenet |
adegenetWeb | Functions to access online resources for adegenet |
alignment2genind | Importing data from an alignement of sequences to a genind object |
alleles | Accessors for adegenet objects |
alleles-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
alleles-method | Formal class "genlight" |
alleles<- | Accessors for adegenet objects |
alleles<--method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
alleles<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
any2col | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
as-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
as-method | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
as-method | Conversion to class "SNPbin" |
as-method | Conversion to class "genlight" |
as-method | Formal class "genlight" |
as.data.frame.genind | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
as.data.frame.genlight | Formal class "genlight" |
as.data.frame.genpop | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
as.genind | genind constructor |
as.genlight | Conversion to class "genlight" |
as.genlight-method | Conversion to class "genlight" |
as.genpop | genpop constructor |
as.genpop.genind | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
as.igraph.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
as.igraph.seqTrack | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
as.integer.SNPbin | Formal class "SNPbin" |
as.ktab.genind | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
as.ktab.genpop | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
as.lda | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
as.lda.dapc | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
as.list.genlight | Formal class "genlight" |
as.matrix.genind | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
as.matrix.genlight | Formal class "genlight" |
as.matrix.genpop | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
as.POSIXct.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
as.seqTrack.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
as.SNPbin | Conversion to class "SNPbin" |
as.SNPbin-method | Conversion to class "SNPbin" |
assignplot | Graphics for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
azur | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
bluepal | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
c.SNPbin | Formal class "SNPbin" |
callOrNULL-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
cbind.genlight | Formal class "genlight" |
cbind.SNPbin | Formal class "SNPbin" |
charOrNULL-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
checkType | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
chooseCN | Function to choose a connection network |
chr | Formal class "genlight" |
chr-method | Formal class "genlight" |
chr<- | Formal class "genlight" |
chr<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
chromosome | Formal class "genlight" |
chromosome-method | Formal class "genlight" |
chromosome<- | Formal class "genlight" |
chromosome<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
coerce-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
coerce-method | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
coerce-method | Conversion to class "SNPbin" |
coerce-method | Conversion to class "genlight" |
coerce-method | Formal class "genlight" |
colorplot | Represents a cloud of points with colors |
colorplot.default | Represents a cloud of points with colors |
colorplot.spca | Spatial principal component analysis |
compoplot | Graphics for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
coords.monmonier | Returns original points in results paths of an object of class 'monmonier' |
corner | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
dapc | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
dapc.data.frame | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
dapc.dudi | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
dapc.genind | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
dapc.genlight | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
dapc.matrix | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
dapcIllus | Simulated data illustrating the DAPC |
deepseasun | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
df2genind | Convert a data.frame of allele data to a genind object. |
dfOrNULL-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
dim-method | Formal class "genlight" |
dist-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations |
dist.genpop | Genetic distances between populations |
DNAbin2genind | Importing data from an alignement of sequences to a genind object |
eHGDP | Extended HGDP-CEPH dataset |
extract.PLINKmap | Reading PLINK Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data |
fac2col | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
factorOrNULL-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
fasta2DNAbin | Read large DNA alignments into R |
fasta2genlight | Extract Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) from alignments |
find.clusters | find.cluster: cluster identification using successive K-means |
find.clusters.data.frame | find.cluster: cluster identification using successive K-means |
find.clusters.genind | find.cluster: cluster identification using successive K-means |
find.clusters.genlight | find.cluster: cluster identification using successive K-means |
find.clusters.matrix | find.cluster: cluster identification using successive K-means |
findMutations | Identify mutations between DNA sequences |
findMutations.DNAbin | Identify mutations between DNA sequences |
flame | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
formOrNULL-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
funky | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
gen-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
gengraph | Genetic transitive graphs |
gengraph.default | Genetic transitive graphs |
gengraph.dist | Genetic transitive graphs |
gengraph.DNAbin | Genetic transitive graphs |
gengraph.genind | Genetic transitive graphs |
gengraph.genpop | Genetic transitive graphs |
gengraph.matrix | Genetic transitive graphs |
genind | genind constructor |
genind-class | adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes |
genind2df | Convert a genind object to a data.frame. |
genind2genpop | Conversion from a genind to a genpop object |
genlight | Formal class "genlight" |
genlight-class | Formal class "genlight" |
genpop | genpop constructor |
genpop-class | adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations |
get.likelihood | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
get.likelihood.seqTrack | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
glDotProd | Auxiliary functions for genlight objects |
glMean | Auxiliary functions for genlight objects |
glNA | Auxiliary functions for genlight objects |
global.rtest | Global and local tests |
glPca | Principal Component Analysis for genlight objects |
glPlot | Plotting genlight objects |
glSim | Simulation of simple genlight objects |
glSum | Auxiliary functions for genlight objects |
glVar | Auxiliary functions for genlight objects |
graphMutations | Identify mutations between DNA sequences |
graphMutations.DNAbin | Identify mutations between DNA sequences |
greenpal | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
greypal | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
H3N2 | Seasonal influenza (H3N2) HA segment data |
haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
haploGen-class | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
hier | Access and manipulate the population hierarchy for genind or genlight objects. |
hier-method | Access and manipulate the population hierarchy for genind or genlight objects. |
hier<- | Access and manipulate the population hierarchy for genind or genlight objects. |
hier<--method | Access and manipulate the population hierarchy for genind or genlight objects. |
Hs | Expected heterozygosity (Hs) |
Hs.test | Test differences in expected heterozygosity (Hs) |
HWE.test.genind | Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium test for multilocus data |
hybridize | Function hybridize takes two genind in inputs and generates hybrids individuals having one parent in both objects. |
import2genind | Importing data from several softwares to a genind object |
inbreeding | Likelihood-based estimation of inbreeding |
indInfo-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
indNames | Accessors for adegenet objects |
indNames-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
indNames-method | Formal class "genlight" |
indNames<- | Accessors for adegenet objects |
indNames<--method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
indNames<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
initialize,genind-methods | genind constructor |
initialize,genpop-methods | genpop constructor |
initialize-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
initialize-method | Formal class "genlight" |
initialize-method | genind constructor |
initialize-method | genpop constructor |
intOrNULL-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
intOrNum-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
is.genind | adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes |
is.genpop | adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations |
isPoly | Assess polymorphism in genind/genpop objects |
isPoly-method | Assess polymorphism in genind/genpop objects |
isPoly-methods | Assess polymorphism in genind/genpop objects |
ktab-class | Converting genind/genpop objects to other classes |
labels.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
lightseasun | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
listOrNULL-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
loadingplot | Represents a cloud of points with colors |
loadingplot.default | Represents a cloud of points with colors |
loadingplot.glPca | Principal Component Analysis for genlight objects |
local.rtest | Global and local tests |
locFac | Accessors for adegenet objects |
locFac-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
locNames | Accessors for adegenet objects |
locNames-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
locNames-method | Formal class "genlight" |
locNames<- | Accessors for adegenet objects |
locNames<--method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
locNames<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
makefreq | Compute allelic frequencies |
makefreq,genind-methods | Compute allelic frequencies |
makefreq,genpop-methods | Compute allelic frequencies |
makefreq-method | Compute allelic frequencies |
microbov | Microsatellites genotypes of 15 cattle breeds |
minorAllele | Compute minor allele frequency |
monmonier | Boundary detection using Monmonier algorithm |
NA.posi | Formal class "genlight" |
NA.posi-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
NA.posi-method | Formal class "genlight" |
nAll | Accessors for adegenet objects |
nAll-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
names-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
names-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes |
names-method | Formal class "genlight" |
names-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations |
nameStrata | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
nameStrata-method | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
nameStrata<- | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
nameStrata<--method | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
nancycats | Microsatellites genotypes of 237 cats from 17 colonies of Nancy (France) |
nInd | Accessors for adegenet objects |
nInd-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
nInd-method | Formal class "genlight" |
nLoc | Accessors for adegenet objects |
nLoc-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
nLoc-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
nLoc-method | Formal class "genlight" |
nPop | Accessors for adegenet objects |
nPop-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
nPop-method | Formal class "genlight" |
num2col | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
old2new | Convert objects with obsolete classes into new objects |
old2new_genind | Convert objects with obsolete classes into new objects |
old2new_genlight | Convert objects with obsolete classes into new objects |
old2new_genpop | Convert objects with obsolete classes into new objects |
optim.a.score | Compute and optimize a-score for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
optimize.monmonier | Boundary detection using Monmonier algorithm |
other | Accessors for adegenet objects |
other-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
other-method | Formal class "genlight" |
other<- | Accessors for adegenet objects |
other<--method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
other<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
pairDist | Pairwise distance plots |
pairDist.default | Pairwise distance plots |
pairDistPlot | Pairwise distance plots |
pairDistPlot.default | Pairwise distance plots |
pairDistPlot.dist | Pairwise distance plots |
pairDistPlot.DNAbin | Pairwise distance plots |
pairDistPlot.genind | Pairwise distance plots |
pairDistPlot.matrix | Pairwise distance plots |
ploidy | Accessors for adegenet objects |
ploidy-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
ploidy-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
ploidy-method | Formal class "genlight" |
ploidy<- | Accessors for adegenet objects |
ploidy<--method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
ploidy<--method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
ploidy<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
plot-method | Plotting genlight objects |
plot.genlight | Plotting genlight objects |
plot.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
plot.monmonier | Boundary detection using Monmonier algorithm |
plot.seqTrack | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
plot.spca | Spatial principal component analysis |
plotHaploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
plotSeqTrack | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
pop | Accessors for adegenet objects |
pop-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
pop-method | Formal class "genlight" |
pop<- | Accessors for adegenet objects |
pop<--method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
pop<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
popInfo-class | Virtual classes for adegenet |
popNames | Accessors for adegenet objects |
popNames-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
popNames-method | Formal class "genlight" |
popNames<- | Accessors for adegenet objects |
popNames<--method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
popNames<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
position | Formal class "genlight" |
position-method | Formal class "genlight" |
position<- | Formal class "genlight" |
position<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
predict.dapc | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
print-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes |
print-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations |
print.dapc | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
print.genindSummary | adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes |
print.genpopSummary | adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations |
print.glPca | Principal Component Analysis for genlight objects |
print.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
print.monmonier | Boundary detection using Monmonier algorithm |
print.spca | Spatial principal component analysis |
propShared | Compute proportion of shared alleles |
propTyped | Compute the proportion of typed elements |
propTyped-method | Compute the proportion of typed elements |
propTyped-methods | Compute the proportion of typed elements |
rbind.genlight | Formal class "genlight" |
read.fstat | Reading data from Fstat |
read.genepop | Reading data from Genepop |
read.genetix | Reading data from GENETIX |
read.PLINK | Reading PLINK Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data |
read.plink | Reading PLINK Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data |
read.snp | Reading Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data |
read.structure | Reading data from STRUCTURE |
redpal | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
repool | Pool several genotypes into a single dataset |
rupica | Microsatellites genotypes of 335 chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) from the Bauges mountains (France) |
sample.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
scaleGen | Compute scaled allele frequencies |
scaleGen-method | Compute scaled allele frequencies |
scaleGen-methods | Compute scaled allele frequencies |
scatter.dapc | Graphics for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
scatter.glPca | Principal Component Analysis for genlight objects |
screeplot.spca | Spatial principal component analysis |
seasun | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
selPopSize | Select genotypes of well-represented populations |
selPopSize-method | Select genotypes of well-represented populations |
selPopSize-methods | Select genotypes of well-represented populations |
seploc | Separate data per locus |
seploc-method | Separate data per locus |
seploc-methods | Separate data per locus |
seppop | Separate genotypes per population |
seppop-method | Separate genotypes per population |
seppop-methods | Separate genotypes per population |
seqTrack | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
seqTrack-class | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
seqTrack.default | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
seqTrack.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |
seqTrack.matrix | SeqTrack algorithm for reconstructing genealogies |
setPop | Manipulate the population factor of genind objects. |
setPop-method | Manipulate the population factor of genind objects. |
setPop<- | Manipulate the population factor of genind objects. |
setPop<--method | Manipulate the population factor of genind objects. |
show-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
show-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes |
show-method | Formal class "genlight" |
show-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations |
sim2pop | Simulated genotypes of two georeferenced populations |
SNPbin | Formal class "SNPbin" |
SNPbin-class | Formal class "SNPbin" |
snpposi.plot | Analyse the position of polymorphic sites |
snpposi.plot.DNAbin | Analyse the position of polymorphic sites |
snpposi.plot.integer | Analyse the position of polymorphic sites |
snpposi.plot.numeric | Analyse the position of polymorphic sites |
snpposi.test | Analyse the position of polymorphic sites |
snpposi.test.DNAbin | Analyse the position of polymorphic sites |
snpposi.test.integer | Analyse the position of polymorphic sites |
snpposi.test.numeric | Analyse the position of polymorphic sites |
snpzip | Identification of structural SNPs |
spca | Spatial principal component analysis |
spcaIllus | Simulated data illustrating the sPCA |
spectral | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
splitStrata | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
splitStrata-method | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
splitStrata<- | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
splitStrata<--method | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
strata | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
strata-method | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
strata<- | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
strata<--method | Access and manipulate the population strata for genind or genlight objects. |
summary-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes |
summary-method | adegenet formal class (S4) for allele counts in populations |
summary.dapc | Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
summary.spca | Spatial principal component analysis |
tab | Access allele counts or frequencies |
tab,genind-methods | Access allele counts or frequencies |
tab,genpop-methods | Access allele counts or frequencies |
tab-method | Access allele counts or frequencies |
transp | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
truenames | Restore true labels of an object |
truenames-method | Restore true labels of an object |
truenames-methods | Restore true labels of an object |
USflu | Seasonal influenza (H3N2) HA segment data |
usflu | Seasonal influenza (H3N2) HA segment data |
USflu.fasta | Seasonal influenza (H3N2) HA segment data |
usflu.fasta | Seasonal influenza (H3N2) HA segment data |
wasp | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
xvalDapc | Cross-validation for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
xvalDapc.data.frame | Cross-validation for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
xvalDapc.matrix | Cross-validation for Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) |
$-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
$-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
$-method | Formal class "genlight" |
$<--method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
$<--method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
$<--method | Formal class "genlight" |
.find.sub.clusters | find.cluster: cluster identification using successive K-means |
.genlab | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
.readExt | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
.rmspaces | Auxiliary functions for adegenet |
.valid.genind | adegenet formal class (S4) for individual genotypes |
[-method | Formal class "SNPbin" |
[-method | Accessors for adegenet objects |
[-method | Formal class "genlight" |
[.haploGen | Simulation of genealogies of haplotypes |