bagplot | bagplot, a bivariate boxplot |
bagplot.pairs | 'pairs' plot with bagplots |
boxplot2D | Boxplot of projection of two dimensional data |
compute.bagplot | bagplot, a bivariate boxplot |
faces | Chernoff Faces |
gslider | slider / button control widgets |
hdepth | hdepth of points |
plot.bagplot | bagplot, a bivariate boxplot |
plot.faces | Chernoff Faces |
plothulls | plothulls for data peeling |
plotsummary | graphical summaries of variables of a data set |
skyline.hist | 'skyline.hist' computes a skyline plot which is special histogram. |
slider | slider / button control widgets |
slider.bootstrap.lm.plot | interactive bootstapping for lm |
slider.brush.pairs | interactive brushing functions |
slider.brush.plot.xy | interactive brushing functions |
slider.density | interactive histogram and density traces |
slider.hist | interactive histogram and density traces |
slider.lowess.plot | interactive lowess smoothing |
slider.smooth.plot.ts | interactive Tukey smoothing |
slider.split.plot.ts | interactive splitting of time series |
slider.stem.leaf | construction of stem and leaf display interactively |
slider.zoom.plot.ts | interactive zooming of time series |
spin3R | spin3R |
stem.leaf | stem and leaf display and back to back stem and leaf display |
stem.leaf.backback | stem and leaf display and back to back stem and leaf display |