Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation

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Documentation for package ‘deldir’ version 0.1-12

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deldir Delaunay triangulation and Dirichlet tessellation
divchain Dividing chain; generic.
divchain.default Dividing chain; default method.
divchain.deldir Dividing chain; "deldir" method.
duplicatedxy Determine duplicated points.
plot.deldir Plot objects produced by deldir
plot.divchain Plot a dividing chain.
plot.tile.list Plot Dirchlet (Voronoi) tiles
plot.triang.list Plot Delaunay triangles
tile.centroids Compute centroids of Dirchlet (Voronoi) tiles
tile.list Create a list of tiles in a tessellation
tilePerim Calculate tile perimeters.
triang.list Create a list of Delaunay triangles
triMat Produce matrix of triangle vertex indices.