deldir | Delaunay triangulation and Dirichlet tessellation |
divchain | Dividing chain; generic. |
divchain.default | Dividing chain; default method. |
divchain.deldir | Dividing chain; "deldir" method. |
duplicatedxy | Determine duplicated points. |
plot.deldir | Plot objects produced by deldir |
plot.divchain | Plot a dividing chain. |
plot.tile.list | Plot Dirchlet (Voronoi) tiles |
plot.triang.list | Plot Delaunay triangles |
tile.centroids | Compute centroids of Dirchlet (Voronoi) tiles |
tile.list | Create a list of tiles in a tessellation |
tilePerim | Calculate tile perimeters. |
triang.list | Create a list of Delaunay triangles |
triMat | Produce matrix of triangle vertex indices. |