% Check from R: % news(db = tools:::.build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd("~/R/Pkgs/diptest/inst/NEWS.Rd")) \name{NEWS} \title{News for \R Package \pkg{diptest}} \encoding{UTF-8} \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.75-7 (2015-06-07)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item Started this \file{NEWS.Rd} file, to eventually replace the \file{ChangeLog} } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.75-6 (2014-11-25)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.75-5 (2013-07-23)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.75-4 (2012-08-13)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.75-3 (2012-04-18)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.75-1 (2011-08-10)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.25-3 (2010-08-11)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item First version of the \dQuote{"diptest issues"} vignette. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.25-2 (2009-02-09)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.25-1 (2004-08-12)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.25-0 (2004-02-13)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item More output in the \R object, allows \code{debug} information. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item Previously, the \code{dip()} had not been \dQuote{symmetric} with respect to \dQuote{mirroring} such as a sign flip in the data. Thanks to Yong Lu, who was able to track the bug to a misplaced \code{(} in the original Fortran code, the bug has been fixed on Oct.10, 2003. } } } \section{CHANGES in diptest VERSION 0.9-1 (2003-07-15)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item First(?) CRAN release } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item on 1994-07-30, added code to prevent an infinite loop in rare cases, but e.g., for \code{dip(1:n)}. } } }