2001-08-29 - Version 1.0-1 -------------------------- -Cleaned up the help files a bit 2002-01-15 - Version 1.1-1 -------------------------- ** Changes suggested by B D Ripley ** -changed to Lapack SGESDD routine and calculate optimal workspace to increase speed -better error checking within the C code -more transparent C code -FastICA function replaced by fastICA and takes standard (nxp) data matrix as argument 2002-09-23 - Version 1.1-2 -------------------------- -all svd calls now done using La.svd() using method "dgesdd" -configure.win script added to package 2003-03-12 - Version 1.1-3 -------------------------- -fixed memory leak in function calc_K_JM in file ica.c 2003-04-04 - Version 1.1-4 -------------------------- -made code R 1.7.0 compatible 2004-06-08 - Version 1.1-5 -------------------------- -changed detection of blas & lapack, to be MacOS X compatible (no lsame in BLAS). 2004-12-23 - Version 1.1-6 -------------------------- - implemented Brian's changes 2006-05-12 - Version 1.1-7 -------------------------- - implemented change to fastICA function scaling 2006-05-16 - Version 1.1-8 -------------------------- - Brian made changes to separate out slamc.f and ensure it is compiled without optimization 2007-10-10 - Version 1.1-9 -------------------------- - Changes need to avoid looping on 2.6.0 under Windows. - Add NAMESPACE - BDR takes over as maintainer.