AIC-method | Methods for Function AIC |
betablocker | Clinical Trial of Beta-Blockers |
BIC-method | Methods for Function BIC |
bioChemists | Articles by Graduate Students in Biochemistry Ph.D. Programs |
boot | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
boot-method | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
BregFix | Artificial Example for Binomial Regression |
candy | Candy Packs Purchased |
clusters-method | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
clusters-method | Determine Cluster Membership and Posterior Probabilities |
coerce-method | Class "FLXcontrol" |
coerce-method | Class "FLXnested" |
dmft | Dental Data |
EIC | Entropic Measure Information Criterion |
EIC-method | Entropic Measure Information Criterion |
ExLinear | Artificial Data from a Generalized Linear Regression Mixture |
ExNclus | Artificial Example with 4 Gaussians |
ExNPreg | Artificial Example for Normal, Poisson and Binomial Regression |
fabricfault | Fabric Faults |
fitted-method | Extract Model Fitted Values |
flexmix | Flexible Mixture Modeling |
flexmix-class | Class "flexmix" |
flexmix-method | Flexible Mixture Modeling |
FLXbclust | FlexMix Binary Clustering Driver |
FLXboot-class | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
FLXcomponent-class | Class "FLXcomponent" |
FLXconstant | Creates the Concomitant Variable Model |
FLXcontrol-class | Class "FLXcontrol" |
FLXdeterminePostunscaled-method | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXdist | Finite Mixtures of Distributions |
FLXdist-class | Class "FLXdist" |
FLXfit | Fitter Function for FlexMix Models |
FLXfit-method | Fitter Function for FlexMix Models |
FLXgetModelmatrix-method | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXgetObs-method | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXglm | FlexMix Interface to Generalized Linear Models |
FLXglmFix | FlexMix Interface to GLMs with Fixed Coefficients |
FLXgradlogLikfun-method | FlexMix Interface to Zero Inflated Generalized Linear Models |
FLXM-class | Class "FLXM" |
FLXMC-class | Class "FLXM" |
FLXMCfactanal | Driver for Mixtures of Factor Analyzers |
FLXmclust | FlexMix Clustering Demo Driver |
FLXMCmvbinary | FlexMix Binary Clustering Driver |
FLXMCmvcombi | FlexMix Binary and Gaussian Clustering Driver |
FLXMCmvnorm | FlexMix Clustering Demo Driver |
FLXMCmvpois | FlexMix Poisson Clustering Driver |
FLXMCnorm1 | FlexMix Clustering Demo Driver |
FLXMR-class | Class "FLXM" |
FLXMRcondlogit | FlexMix Interface to Conditional Logit Models |
FLXMRglm | FlexMix Interface to Generalized Linear Models |
FLXMRglmfix | FlexMix Interface to GLMs with Fixed Coefficients |
FLXMRglmnet | FlexMix Interface for Adaptive Lasso / Elastic Net with GLMs |
FLXMRglmnet-class | FlexMix Interface for Adaptive Lasso / Elastic Net with GLMs |
FLXMRlmc-class | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models with Left-Censoring |
FLXMRlmcfix-class | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models with Left-Censoring |
FLXMRlmer | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXMRlmer-class | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXMRlmm | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXMRlmm-class | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXMRlmmc | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models with Left-Censoring |
FLXMRlmmc-class | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models with Left-Censoring |
FLXMRlmmcfix-class | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models with Left-Censoring |
FLXMRlmmfix-class | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXMRmgcv | FlexMix Interface to GAMs |
FLXMRmgcv-class | FlexMix Interface to GAMs |
FLXMRmultinom | FlexMix Interface to Multiomial Logit Models |
FLXMRrobglm | FlexMix Driver for Robust Estimation of Generalized Linear Models |
FLXMRrobglm-class | FlexMix Driver for Robust Estimation of Generalized Linear Models |
FLXMRziglm | FlexMix Interface to Zero Inflated Generalized Linear Models |
FLXMRziglm-class | FlexMix Interface to Zero Inflated Generalized Linear Models |
FLXmstep-method | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
FLXmultinom | Creates the Concomitant Variable Model |
FLXnested-class | Class "FLXnested" |
FLXP-class | Class "FLXP" |
FLXPconstant | Creates the Concomitant Variable Model |
FLXPconstant-class | Class "FLXP" |
FLXPmultinom | Creates the Concomitant Variable Model |
FLXPmultinom-class | Class "FLXP" |
FLXreplaceParameters-method | FlexMix Interface to Zero Inflated Generalized Linear Models |
FLXRmstep-class | Refit a Fitted Model |
FLXRoptim-class | Refit a Fitted Model |
getModel-method | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
group | Extract Grouping Variable |
group-method | Extract Grouping Variable |
group-methods | Extract Grouping Variable |
ICL-method | Integrated Completed Likelihood Criterion |
initFlexmix | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
initialize-method | Class "FLXP" |
initialize-method | Class "FLXnested" |
initMethod | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
initMethod-class | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
KLdiv-method | Kullback-Leibler Divergence |
Lapply-method | Methods for Function Lapply |
logLik-method | Methods for Function logLik in Package 'flexmix' |
LR_test | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
LR_test-method | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
Mehta | Mehta Trial |
Nclus | Artificial Example with 4 Gaussians |
NPreg | Artificial Example for Normal, Poisson and Binomial Regression |
NregFix | Artificial Example for Normal Regression |
parameters-method | Class "FLXdist" |
parameters-method | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
patent | Patents and R&D Spending |
plot-method | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
plot-method | Rootogram of Posterior Probabilities |
plot-method | Refit a Fitted Model |
plot-method | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
plot-methods | Rootogram of Posterior Probabilities |
plotEll | Plot Confidence Ellipses for FLXMCmvnorm Results |
posterior-method | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
posterior-method | Determine Cluster Membership and Posterior Probabilities |
predict-method | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
predict-method | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models with Left-Censoring |
predict-method | Class "FLXdist" |
predict-method | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
prior | Class "FLXdist" |
prior-method | Class "FLXdist" |
prior-method | Flexible Mixture Modeling |
refit-method | FlexMix Interface to Zero Inflated Generalized Linear Models |
refit-method | Refit a Fitted Model |
relabel | Relabel the Components |
relabel-method | Relabel the Components |
rflexmix | Random Number Generator for Finite Mixtures |
rflexmix-method | Random Number Generator for Finite Mixtures |
rFLXM | Random Number Generator for Finite Mixtures |
rFLXM-method | Driver for Mixtures of Factor Analyzers |
rFLXM-method | FlexMix Interface to Linear Mixed Models |
rFLXM-method | Random Number Generator for Finite Mixtures |
salmonellaTA98 | Salmonella Reverse Mutagenicity Assay |
seizure | Epileptic Seizure Data |
show-method | Class "FLXcomponent" |
show-method | Creates the Concomitant Variable Model |
show-method | Finite Mixtures of Distributions |
show-method | Class "FLXM" |
show-method | Bootstrap a flexmix Object |
show-method | Flexible Mixture Modeling |
show-method | Refit a Fitted Model |
show-method | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
simulate-method | Finite Mixtures of Distributions |
stepFlexmix | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
stepFlexmix-class | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
summary-method | Flexible Mixture Modeling |
summary-method | Refit a Fitted Model |
tribolium | Tribolium Beetles |
trypanosome | Trypanosome |
unique-method | Run FlexMix Repeatedly |
whiskey | Survey Data on Brands of Scotch whiskey Consumed |
whiskey_brands | Survey Data on Brands of Scotch whiskey Consumed |