# Remove the previous line if you edit this file # This is the default, just nicked. # Export all names exportPattern(".") # Import all packages listed as Imports or Depends import( MASS, cluster, mclust, flexmix, prabclus, class, diptest, mvtnorm, robustbase, trimcluster ) importFrom("kernlab",specc) importFrom("grDevices", "colors", "colours", "grey", "xy.coords") importFrom("graphics", "abline", "hist", "legend", "pairs", "par", "points", "polygon", "title") importFrom("methods", "new") importFrom("stats", "BIC", "addmargins", "as.dist", "cmdscale", "coef", "coefficients", "cor", "cov", "cov.wt", "cutree", "density", "dist", "dnorm", "fitted.values", "hclust", "kmeans", "lm", "lsfit", "mahalanobis", "median", "pchisq", "pnorm", "qbinom", "qchisq", "qnorm", "quantile", "rbinom", "resid", "residuals", "rexp", "rgamma", "rnorm", "rt", "runif", "sd", "weighted.mean") importFrom("utils", "data") S3method(fpclusters, mfpc) S3method(fpclusters, rfpc) S3method(plot, clboot) S3method(plot, dbscan) S3method(plot, mfpc) S3method(plot, rfpc) S3method(predict, dbscan) S3method(print, clboot) S3method(print, dbscan) S3method(print, mfpc) S3method(print, predstr) S3method(print, rfpc) S3method(print, summary.mergenorm) S3method(print, summary.mfpc) S3method(print, summary.rfpc) S3method(print, varwisetables) S3method(summary, mergenorm) S3method(summary, mfpc) S3method(summary, rfpc)