Genecards derived annotations for gahgu95av2 custom probeset definitions

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Documentation for package ‘gahgu95av2.db’ version 2.2.0

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gahgu95av2 Bioconductor annotation data package
gahgu95av2.db Bioconductor annotation data package
gahgu95av2ALIAS Map between Manufacturer IDs and Genes Alias
gahgu95av2ALIAS2PROBE Map between Common Gene Symbol Identifiers and probeset Identifiers
gahgu95av2CHR Map probeset IDs to Chromosomes
gahgu95av2CHRLOC Map probeset IDs to Chromosomal Location
gahgu95av2CHRLOCEND Map probeset IDs to Chromosomal Location
gahgu95av2DESCRIPTIONS Map between probeset IDs and gene descriptions
gahgu95av2ENTREZID Map between probeset Identifiers and Entrez Gene
gahgu95av2ENTREZID2PROBE Map between probeset Identifiers and Entrez Gene
gahgu95av2GENECARDSID Map between probeset IDs and Genes
gahgu95av2GENEEND Map between probeset IDs and Genes end
gahgu95av2GENENAME Map between probeset IDs and Genes
gahgu95av2GENESTART Map between probeset IDs and Genes start
gahgu95av2GENESTRAND Map between probeset IDs and Genes strand
gahgu95av2GO Map between probset IDs and Gene Ontology (GO)
gahgu95av2GO2PROBE Map between Gene Ontology (GO) and probesets
gahgu95av2INTERPRODOMAIN Map between Manufacturer IDs and Genes
gahgu95av2INTERPROID Map between probesets and Interpro ID
gahgu95av2KEGGID Map between probesets and KEGG pathway ID
gahgu95av2KEGGNAME Map between probesets and KEGG pathway name
gahgu95av2MAPCOUNTS Number of mapped keys for the maps in package gahgu95av2.db
gahgu95av2ORGANISM The Organism for gahgu95av2
gahgu95av2SWISSPROTID Map between probesets and Genes
gahgu95av2SYMBOL Map between probeset and Gene Symbols
gahgu95av2SYMBOL2PROBE Map between probeset and Gene Symbols
gahgu95av2UNIPROT Map Uniprot accession numbers with probeset identifiers
gahgu95av2_dbconn Collect information about the package annotation DB
gahgu95av2_dbfile Collect information about the package annotation DB
gahgu95av2_dbInfo Collect information about the package annotation DB
gahgu95av2_dbschema Collect information about the package annotation DB