Args Describe Function Arguments ConvertMedUnits Convert medical measurements between International Standard (SI) and US 'Conventional' Units. MedUnits Table of conversions between Intertional Standard (SI) and US 'Conventional' Units for common medical measurements. aggregate.table Defunct Functions in Package 'gdata' ans Value of Last Evaluated Expression bindData Bind two data frames into a multivariate data frame case Map elements of a vector according to the provided 'cases' cbindX Column-bind objects with different number of rows centerText Center Text Strings combine Combine R Objects With a Column Labeling the Source drop.levels Drop unused factor levels duplicated2 Determine Duplicate Elements elem Display Information about Elements in a Given Object env Describe All Loaded Environments first Return first or last element of an object frameApply Subset analysis on data frames gdata-package Various R programming tools for data manipulation getYear Get date/time parts from date and time objects humanReadable Print Byte Size in Human Readable Format installXLSXsupport Install perl modules needed for read.xls to support Excel 2007+ XLSX format interleave Interleave Rows of Data Frames or Matrices is.what Run Multiple is.* Tests on a Given Object keep Remove All Objects, Except Those Specified left Return the leftmost or rightmost columns of a matrix or dataframe ll Describe Objects or Elements ls.funs List function objects mapLevels Mapping levels matchcols Select columns names matching certain critera nPairs Number of variable pairs nobs Compute the Number of Non-missing Observations object.size Report the Space Allocated for Objects read.xls Read Excel files rename.vars Remove or rename variables in a dataframe reorder.factor Reorder the Levels of a Factor resample Consistent Random Samples and Permutations sheetCount Count or list sheet names in Excel spreadsheet files. startsWith Determine if a character string "starts with" with the specified characters. trim Remove leading and trailing spaces from character strings trimSum Trim a vector such that the last/first value represents the sum of trimmed values unknownToNA Change unknown values to NA and vice versa unmatrix Convert a matrix into a vector, with appropriate names upperTriangle Extract or replace the upper/lower triangular portion of a matrix wideByFactor Create multivariate data by a given factor write.fwf Write object in fixed width format xlsFormats Check which file formats are supported by read.xls