Various R Programming Tools for Model Fitting

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Documentation for package ‘gmodels’ version 2.16.2

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ci Compute Confidence Intervals
ci.binom Compute Confidence Intervals
ci.estimable Compute Confidence Intervals
ci.lm Compute Confidence Intervals
ci.lme Compute Confidence Intervals
ci.numeric Compute Confidence Intervals
coefFrame Return model parameters in a data frame
CrossTable Cross Tabulation with Tests for Factor Independence
estimable Contrasts and estimable linear functions of model coefficients
estimable.default Contrasts and estimable linear functions of model coefficients
estimable.mlm Contrasts and estimable linear functions of model coefficients
fast.prcomp Efficient computation of principal components and singular value decompositions.
fast.svd Efficient computation of principal components and singular value decompositions.
fit.contrast Compute and test arbitrary contrasts for regression objects
fit.contrast.lm Compute and test arbitrary contrasts for regression objects
fit.contrast.lme Compute and test arbitrary contrasts for regression objects
glh.test Test a General Linear Hypothesis for a Regression Model
make.contrasts Construct a User-Specified Contrast Matrix
print.glh.test Test a General Linear Hypothesis for a Regression Model
summary.glh.test Test a General Linear Hypothesis for a Regression Model