Utilities for strings and function arguments.

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Documentation for package ‘gsubfn’ version 0.6-6

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gsubfn-package gsubfn
$.fn Transform formula arguments to functions.
as.function.formula Make a one-line function from a formula.
cat0 Pattern Matching and Replacement
eval.with.vis Transform formula arguments to functions.
fn Transform formula arguments to functions.
gsubfn Pattern Matching and Replacement
match.funfn Generic extended version of R match.fun
matrixfn Transform formula arguments to functions.
ostrapply Apply a function over a string or strings.
read.pattern Read file or text string using a regular expression to separate fields.
strapply Apply a function over a string or strings.
strapply1 Apply a function over a string or strings.
strapplyc Apply a function over a string or strings.
tclList2R Apply a function over a string or strings.