huex10stprobeset.db Bioconductor annotation data package huex10stprobesetACCNUM Map Manufacturer identifiers to Accession Numbers huex10stprobesetALIAS2PROBE Map between Common Gene Symbol Identifiers and Manufacturer Identifiers huex10stprobesetCHR Map Manufacturer IDs to Chromosomes huex10stprobesetCHRLENGTHS A named vector for the length of each of the chromosomes huex10stprobesetCHRLOC Map Manufacturer IDs to Chromosomal Location huex10stprobesetENSEMBL Map Ensembl gene accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers huex10stprobesetENTREZID Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Entrez Gene huex10stprobesetENZYME Maps between Manufacturer IDs and Enzyme Commission (EC) Numbers huex10stprobesetGENENAME Map between Manufacturer IDs and Genes huex10stprobesetGO Maps between manufacturer IDs and Gene Ontology (GO) IDs huex10stprobesetMAP Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and cytogenetic maps/bands huex10stprobesetMAPCOUNTS Number of mapped keys for the maps in package huex10stprobeset.db huex10stprobesetOMIM Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Mendelian Inheritance in Man (MIM) identifiers huex10stprobesetORGANISM The Organism information for huex10stprobeset huex10stprobesetPATH Mappings between probe identifiers and KEGG pathway identifiers huex10stprobesetPMID Maps between Manufacturer Identifiers and PubMed Identifiers huex10stprobesetREFSEQ Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and RefSeq Identifiers huex10stprobesetSYMBOL Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Gene Symbols huex10stprobesetUNIGENE Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and UniGene cluster identifiers huex10stprobesetUNIPROT Map Uniprot accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers huex10stprobeset_dbconn Collect information about the package annotation DB