1.1 - stream_in now passes ... arguments to fromJSON as documented - Force ANSI_STDIO on Windows to fix -pedantic compiler warning - Close connection even if opening fails. Fixes #145 - validate() now includes an 'offset' attribute indicating at which byte the error occured - Refresh some example tokes for vignettes 1.0 - Fix always_decimal for non-whole numbres which get rounded to whole numbers - Rename and export base64 encoder/decoder - Fix compiler warning on Windows: don't redefine isnan() and isinf() - Changed targed in Makevars to libstatyajl.a to prevent conflict with system libyajl - Bump to 1.0 because this package is basically done 0.9.22 - Fix for side effects of 'always_decimal' on Date and POSIXt integer encoding - Fixed a small memory leak in the push parser (fromJSON.connection) - Cleaned up Makevars - Replace base64 encoder/decoder to be in-memory - Special case toJSON(NULL, null = "null") now returns "null" 0.9.21 - Add 'always_decimal' argument in toJSON for real number notation in whole number doubles. 0.9.20 - Performance optimization for toJSON on matrices and arrays - Tweak for unboxed POSIXt = "mongo" queries 0.9.19 - Remove the View() workaround because it causes issues in RStudio and because the bug in utils::View has been fixed in R-patched. 0.9.18 - Removed support for the archived int64 package. Use bit64 instead. - The stream_in function now skips over blank lines - Remove workaround for View() in rstudio - fromJSON now sets an 'Accept' request header for URLs. 0.9.17 - Fix for 1 dimensional array objects - Fix for unnamed data frame - Fix for duplicate _row fields - The 'unbox' function now accepts classed scalars such as dates - Ignore BOM with warning in push parser 0.9.16 - Performance optimizations in asJSON.data.frame by avoiding apply() - Prettifying is now done by default in R (thanks to Yihui Xie) - Add json_verbatim option to insert verbatim json - Improve verbose output of streaming functions 0.9.15 - Replaced RCurl dependency with the new curl package. - Added push parser for more efficient parsing from connection interfaces (e.g. files or urls). - The toMongo function has been removed. Use stream_out instead. - The `View` function will not be exposed in recent versions of rstudio that supported nested data natively. - Add hidden bigint_as_char argument in fromJSON - Fixed a memory leak in fromJSON. - I() forces boxing of a scalar when 'auto_unbox = TRUE' for RJSONIO compatibility. - toJSON now supports 'keep_vec_names=TRUE' will mimic RJSONIO legacy behavior. - toJSON now supports 'time_format' argument to customize formatting of POSIXt strings. 0.9.14 - Change license to MIT (for GPL2 compatibility). - Add support for digits = I(n) to use significant precision. - When 'pretty' in toJSON is numeric, it specifies the number of spaces to indent. - Bug fix in validate() related to ScalarLogical - Add support for dataframe = "values" - Byte-order-marks are now ignored as suggested by rfc7159 - Add support for integer64 class (bit64 package) 0.9.13 - Ported some number formatting to C - Fix when http server gives no content-type header - Prevent auto unboxing within a matrix - Assume UTF8 but fall back on native encoding for files and urls in fromJSON - Fix for 32 bit windows XP. 0.9.12 - New JSON parser based on yajl. Some changes: * smaller and faster than libjson * better error messages * automatic validation * native \uXXXX unicode parsing * integer parsing * uses spaces intead of tabs for prettify - Other functions ported to C: collapse_object, null_to_na, is_recordlist, is_scalarlist - Expose 'flatten' function - Row names are encoded as "_row" instead of "$row" - Start with streaming functions - Some internal changes to support BSON/MongoDB 0.9.11 - Added toJSON null argument - Fix bug in prettify object name escaping - Use C code for escaping and collapsing vectors - Several performance enhancements in fromJSON/simplify code - The auto_unbox argument is ignored for dataframes when dataframe="column" 0.9.10 - Add support for escaped (hexadecimal) unicode characters in fromJSON(unicode = TRUE) - Exporting a wrapper for View() that flattens nested data frames - Add print method for scalar (unbox) 0.9.9 - Fix bug where 'flatten' argument wasn't passed down - Make asJSON automatically unname any named lists within a data frame - fromJSON(url) now sets Accept header - Increase default to digits=4 in toJSON 0.9.8 - Remove whitespace from default output of toJSON - Split vignette in 3 documents - Add support for simplifyMatrix within a data frame - Add class "json" output of toJSON, simplify, minify - Add print method for json - Cleaned up unit tests - Workaround for SSL handshake issues in https downloads - Raise warnings for SSL or Content-Type abnormalities 0.9.7 - formally expose 'force' argument in toJSON - formally expose 'flatten' argument in fromJSON - fix bug in simplifyDataframe - fix in rlibjson code that converted empty array to AsIs object - auto coerse mongo type dates in fromJSON 0.9.6 - toJSON gains argument auto_unbox - Minor fixes 0.9.5 - Never raise error in toJSON when force=true - Fix typo in line 2 of JSONDefs/GNU_C.h (GUN -> GNU) - Run unit tests during R CMD check - Update vignette 0.9.4 - Added minify function - Added unbox function - Fixed bug where toJSON 'force' argument wasn't passed down - Removed -DJSON_VALIDATE -DJSON_STREAM=1 from Makevars.in (already in JSONoptions.h) 0.9.3 - Changes by Prof Ripley for Solaris/CRAN 0.9.2 - Update libjson to 7.6.1 (fixes bug in the validator) - Generalized toJSON method 'matrix' to 'array' to work for higher dimensions. - Add option to encode matrix either row-major or column-major. - Set default SSL version to 3 for fromJSON("https://...") 0.9.1 - Major performance improvements for toJSON.data.frame 0.9.0 - Initial release