VERSION HISTORY of "longitudinal" PACKAGE CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.12 - added import statements as required by R-devel. CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.11 - fixed broken URLs in documentation. - fix "S3 generic/method consistency" NOTE raised by R-devel. CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.10 - change of maintainer email address. CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.9 - updated to get rid of "import" warning in R 3.1.0 CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.8 - updated dependencies R >= 2.15.1, corpcor >= 1.6.6 - Licence file removed to avoid warnings in R-devel CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.7 - NAMESPACE file added CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.6 - small correction to make package pass the tests of R version 2.13 CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.5 - small correction to make package pass the tests of R version 2.10 - now corpcor version 1.5.3 is required (also needed for R 2.10) CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.4 - changes to make "longitudinal" work with corpcor version 1.4.8 - bug fixed in dyn.scale() CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.3 - set everywhere the option "protect=0" - dyn.var() function now also has the "protect" argument CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.2 - "protect" field added, to control protected shrinkage similar as in corpcor package - new functions: dyn.pvar(), dyn.var() - removed: dyn.pcov() - change of function name: is.regularily.sampled() is now called is.regularly.sampled() - now depends on version 1.4.2 of corpcor package CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.1 - documentation was updated CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.1.0 - now requires corpcor version1.3.0 (variance are shrunken as well) - changes were made to incorporate "lambda.var" parameter CHANGES IN longitudinal VERSION 1.0.0 - functions for dynamical correlation and covariance added - dynamical scale function Prior to version 1.0.0: - longitudional data structure was part of GeneTS package