Significant Gene Expression Profile Differences in Time Course Microarray Data

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Documentation for package ‘maSigPro’ version 1.42.0

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average.rows Average rows by match and index
data.abiotic Gene expression data potato abiotic stress
edesign.abiotic Experimental design potato abiotic stress
edesign.OD Experimental design with a measured independent variable
edesignCT Experimental design with a shared time
edesignDR Experimental design with different replicates
get.siggenes Extract significant genes for sets of variables in time series gene expression experiments
i.rank Ranks a vector to index Make a design matrix for regression fit of time series gene expression experiments
maSigPro Wrapping function for identifying significant differential gene expression profiles in micorarray time course experiments
maSigProUsersGuide View maSigPro User's Guide
NBdata RNA-Seq dataset example
NBdesign Experimental design for RNA-Seq example
p.vector Make regression fit for time series gene expression experiments
PlotGroups Function for plotting gene expression profile at different experimental groups
PlotProfiles Function for visualization of gene expression profiles
position Column position of a variable in a data frame
reg.coeffs Calculate true variables regression coefficients
see.genes Wrapper function for visualization of gene expression values of time course experiments
stepback Fitting a linear model by backward-stepwise regression
stepfor Fitting a linear model by forward-stepwise regression
suma2Venn Creates a Venn Diagram from a matrix of characters Makes a stepwise regression fit for time series gene expression experiments
two.ways.stepback Fitting a linear model by backward-stepwise regression
two.ways.stepfor Fitting a linear model by forward-stepwise regression