Changes in Version 2.1-1 o Added a NAMESPACE. Changes in Version 2.1-0 o Removed dependencies on e1071 and scatterplot3d (the latter replaced by cloud() from lattice). o mlbench.corners() has been renamed to mlbench.hypercube(). o New function mlbench.simplex() by Manuel Eugster and Sebastian Kaiser. o Bugfixes in the bayesclass() methods for ringnorm and threenorm submitted by Julia Schiffer. Changes in Version 2.0-0 o Changed license of complete package to GPL-2. o Recompressed all data sets using xz. o Added examples to all help pages. o Added info about UCI repository to mlbench.waveform.Rd. Changes in Version 1.1-6 o Improve CITATION. Changes in Version 1.1-5 o Fixed Rd bug and renamed README to LICENSE. Changes in Version 1.1-4 o Fixed documentation of S3 objects. Changes in Version 1.1-3 o Bugfix: data sets that are loaded using R code did not close the corresponding connections. Changes in Version 1.1-2 o New data set Zoo. Changes in Version 1.1-2 o Converted the 'chas' columns of BostonHousing2 to a factor. o Added a corrected version of PimaIndiansDiabetes as PimaIndiansDiabetes2. o Added correct citation for UCI repository in various places. Changes in Version 1.1-1 o Add '...' argument to methods for consistency with R 2.4.0 or later. Changes in Version 1.1-0 o New artificial classification problems mlbench.shapes() and mlbench.corners() o Added corrected version of Boston housing data (thanks to John Maindonald). Changes in Version 1.0-1 o Minor fixes in BostonHousing.Rd. Changes in Version 1.0-1 o Fixed a Bug in the waveform function (thanks to Karsten Lübke). o Added a "ZipData: No" to the DESCRIPTION file. o All data files are now in compressed format. Changes in Version 1.0-0 o New function mlbench.smiley(). o Version 1.0-0 is not really different from the previous release (version 0.5-10), but we decided that it is stupid to have a version number smaller than 1.0 for a package that is stable and useful.