0.9.4 - Fix ec_keygen() for old versions of OpenSSL - Added aes_ctr() and aes_gcm() modes - Added aes_keygen() - Added bignum_mod_inv() - Internal tools for JWT/JWK support (see pkg: jose) 0.9.3 - Added ec_dh() function for ECDH - Added --atleast-version=1.0 to pkg-config in configure script - Switch as.list(cert) to RFC2253 format for 'subject' and 'issuer' fields 0.9.2 - Disable EC stuff for OPENSSL_NO_EC (needed on some Solaris / Gentoo) - Added openssl_config() function to test if libssl is built with EC support - Make configure script bourne compatible (remove bash shebang) - Tweak for OpenBSD in ssl.c - Added sha224, sha384 and sha2 functions - Export the fingerprint function 0.9.1 - Fix for getaddrinfo() in Solaris - Use the configurable askpass() for password prompt 0.9 - Switched download_ssl_cert to getaddrinfo() api for ipv6 support - Fix for example for naming conflict with new digest package 0.8 - Configure script now checks for OpenSSL minimum version 1.0.0 0.7 - Breaking change: hash functions now use hmac 'key' instead of a 'salt' - The my_key() and my_pubkey() functions now work as documented - as.list(cert) add alt_names field for https certs with multiple domains - added export_pem for certificates 0.6 - Added --force-bottle to autobrew installer - Use nonblocking socket in ssl to set connection timeout - Fix UBSAN problem in ssl.c - Fix ASAN problem in hash.c 0.5 - Major overhaul, add encryption, signature, cert stuff - Upgrade libssl and libcrypto on windows to 1.0.2d 0.4 - Added base64 functions