org.Hs.ipi.db annotation data package org.Hs.ipiDE Maps protein identifier to textural descriptions org.Hs.ipiGENEID Map protein identifier to Entrez gene identifier org.Hs.ipiGI Map protein identifier to the NCBI Protein GI org.Hs.ipiGO Map protein identifier to GO org.Hs.ipiINTERPRO Map protein identifier to Interpro doamins org.Hs.ipiIPIAC Map protein identifier to IPI Primary accession number org.Hs.ipiIPIACs Map protein identifier to IPI accession numbers org.Hs.ipiKEGG Map protein identifier to KEGG gene identifiers org.Hs.ipiLEN Map protein identifier to the length of protein sequence org.Hs.ipiMAPCOUNTS Number of mapped keys for the maps in package org.Hs.ipi.db org.Hs.ipiMW Map protein identifier to its molecular weight org.Hs.ipiORGANISM The Organism for org.Hs.ipi.db org.Hs.ipiPATH Map protein identifier to KEGG pathway org.Hs.ipiPFAM Map protein identifier to Pfam domain org.Hs.ipiPROSITE Map protein identifier to PROSITE domain org.Hs.ipiREFSEQ Map protein identifier to RefSeq identifiers org.Hs.ipiSEQ Map protein identifier to the protein sequence org.Hs.ipiSPAC Map protein identifier to SwissProt primary accession number org.Hs.ipiSPID Map protein identifier to SwissProt identifiers org.Hs.ipiSYMBOL Map protein identifier to gene symbols org.Hs.ipiUNIGENE Map protein identifier to UniGene cluster identifiers org.Hs.ipi_dbconn Collect information about the package annotation DB