# permute News ## Changes in version 0.9-4 The example in `?check` was made to suppress package startup messages from vegan. ## Changes in version 0.9-3 This release fixed some non-canonical-form CRAN URLs. ## Changes in version 0.9-2 This release was purely to avoid issues with CRAN as a new release of vegan had been released and the example reference material hadn't been updated to match. ## Changes in version 0.9-1 ### General A minor bug fix release to address a single problem. ### Bug Fixes * `shuffleSet()` wasn't returning a matrix if `nset = 1` *and* `allPerms` was invoked because of a low set of possible permutations. [GitHub Issue #19](https://github.com/gavinsimpson/permute/issues/19) ## Changes in version 0.9-0 ### General This is small update to **permute**, focused mainly on ensuring the many combinations of restrictions on permutations allowed by the package work. An extensive test suite has been written which covers ~87% of the package's codebase at the time of release. ### New features * Permutation matrices produced by `shuffleSet()` are now printed in a more compact form. * Better heuristics in `check()` allow for more reliable permutations (i.e. fewer duplicate permutations) when the set is small. This has increased the `minperms` setting. Consequently we generate all possible permutations up to ~500,000 more often as we now randomly sample from the entirely generated set rather than randomly generate permutations. This provides a small performance hit in some rare cases. * `shuffleSet()` has a new argument `quietly = FALSE` which is passed on to `check()`. * A number of bugs were fixed. See the Changelog and the Bug reports on github for details. ### Defunct * `permControl()` and `permuplot()` are defunct and have been removed from the package. ## Changes in version 0.8-0 ### General * Version 0.8-0 represents a major update of **permute**, with some backwards-incompatible changes to the main functions. The main addition is the availability of block-level restrictions on the permutations, which are required for whole- and split-plot designs. ### New features * `how()`, a new function to create permutation designs. This replaces the deprecated function `permControl`. * **permute** gains the addition of true blocking structures with which to restrict the permutations. Blocks sit as the outermost layer of the permutations, and can contain plots which in turn contain samples. In contrasts to plots, blocks are never permuted and samples are never shuffled between blocks. Permutation only ever happens within blocks. To facilitate this, plot-level strata are now specified via `Plots()` instead of via the old `strata` argument of `how()`. Blocks are specified via a new argument `blocks`, which takes a factor variable. * A new suite of extractor and replacement functions is provided with which to interact with permutation designs created by `how(). Extractor functions have names `getFoo()`, where `Foo()` is a component of the design. Replacement functions have names `setFoo`. The replacement function are especially for use by package authors wishing to alter permutation within their functions. The extractor functions are recommended for all users wishing to extract features of the permutation design. * As a convenience for users, the \code{update()} function will now work with objects of classes `"how"`, `"Plots"` or `"Within"` to allow quick updating of features of the permutation design. This approach is intended for interactive use at the top-level and not within functions, where the new `setFoo` replacement functions should be used. * `shuffleSet()` is enhanced in this version. Firstly, the function now returns a classed object which has a `print()` method to allow for compact printing of the design elements used to generate the set of permutations. Second, `shuffleSet()` will sample `nset` permutations from the entire set of permutations should a small number of possible permutations trigger generation of the entire set. This avoids the generation of a set of non-unique permutations. Finally the random seed that generated the set is stored as an attribute. * `allPerms()` no longer assumes that samples are in block and/or plot ordering. * The package vignette is much expanded in this version with new sections on using **permute** within functions that will be of interest to package authors wishing to use **permute** in their packages. ### Deprecated * `permControl()` is deprecated in favour of `how()`. * `permuplot()` is broken and effectively defunct given the changes to the way permutation are defined and the addition of blocks. `permuplot()` is no longer exported from the package namespace.