CHANGES IN VERSION 3.2.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o An update in the in the VariantFiltering package scores() function enables a 10-fold faster retrieval of mean phastCons scores over genomic intervals. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Updated phastCons scores to the UCSC available data on March 2015 o Individual files storing phastCons scores per chromosome within the 'extdata' directory of the package are now stored and loaded using the saveRDS() and readRDS() functions instead of classical save() and load(). Corresponding filenames have now an '.rds' extension and the chromosome name is written now at the end of the filename, right before '.rds'. CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0.0 ------------------------ USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Updated phastCons scores to the UCSC available data on October 2014 o Instead loading in main memory the set of phastCons scores for the entire human genome, they are now stored separetely by chromosome and they are loaded and cached into main memory as different chromosomes get accessed to reduce the memory footprint at package loading time. Caching may be disabled, and thus memory footprint minimized, setting a new argument 'caching=FALSE' in the 'scores()' function, at the cost of slowing down multiple calls to the 'scores()' function. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 ------------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Submission of the first version to the Bioconductor project. (start date: 15 April, 2014)