Various Plotting Functions

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Documentation for package ‘plotrix’ version 3.6-3

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plotrix-package Specialized plots and plotting accessories

-- A --

ablineclip Add a straight line to a plot add p-values from t-tests
addtable2plot Add a table of values to a plot
arctext Display text on a circular arc
axis.break Place a "break" mark on an axis
axis.mult Display an axis with values having a multiplier

-- B --

barlabels Label the bars on a barplot
barNest Display a nested breakdown of numeric values
barp A bar plotting routine
battleship.plot Display a matrix of values as the widths of stacked rectangles
bin.wind.records Classify wind direction and speed records
binciWl Lower binomial confidence limit
binciWu Upper binomial confidence limit
box.heresy Display a sort of box plot
boxed.labels Place labels in boxes
brkdn.plot A point/line plotting routine
brkdnNest Perform a nested breakdown of numeric values
bumpchart Display a "bumps" chart

-- C --

categoryReshape Convert object label/attribute label coding.
centipede.plot Display a centipede plot
clean.args Remove inappropriate arguments from an argument list
clock24.plot Plot values on a 24 hour "clockface"
clplot Plot lines with colors determined by values.
cluster.overplot Shift overlying points into clusters
color.axis Display an axis in a specified color
color.gradient Calculate an arbitrary sequence of colors Identify closest match to a color
color.legend Legend matching categories or values to colors
color.scale Turn values into colors.
color.scale.lines Line segments with scaled colors
color2D.matplot Display a numeric matrix as color matrix
corner.label Find corner locations and optionally display a label
count.overplot Show overlying points as counts
cylindrect Display an apparent cylinder

-- D --

death_reg Death registrations from 1996 to 2010
dendroPlot Display distributions as dendrites
diamondplot Plot multiple variables as polygons on a radial grid
dispbars Display a measure of dispersion.
dispersion Display a measure of dispersion.
do.first Execute a graphic function on a plot
dotplot.mtb Minitab style dotplots
draw.arc Draw arc Draw a circle
draw.ellipse Draw ellipse
draw.radial.line Draw a radial line
draw.tilted.sector Display a 3D pie sector
drawNestedBars Display nested bars
drawSectorAnnulus Display a radial pie sector

-- E --

ehplot Engelmann-Hecker-Plot - EH-Plot
election Assign party members to seats
emptyspace Find an empty space on a plot

-- F --

fan.plot Display a fan plot
feather.plot Display vectors along a horizontal reference line
fill.corner Fill a "corner" of a matrix with values
floating.pie Display a floating pie chart
fullaxis Add an axis with a line to the edge of the plot
furc Plot a dendrite

-- G --

gantt.chart Display a Gantt chart
gap.barplot Display a barplot with a gap (missing range) on one axis
gap.boxplot Display a boxplot with a gap (missing range)
gap.plot Display a plot with one or two gaps (missing ranges) on one axis
get.breaks Get the breakpoints for a weighted histogram Gather the information to create a Gantt chart
get.segs Calculate the midpoints and limits for a centipede plot
get.soil.texture Enter soil texture data
get.tablepos Get the position for a legend or table
get.triprop Enter three proportion data - usually soil textures
getFigCtr Get coordinates in the figure region in user units.
getIntersectList Enter a set intersection list
getMarginWidth Find the margin width necessary to fit text or a legend next to a plot
getYmult Correct for aspect and coordinate ratio
get_axispos3d Get axis positions on a 3D plot
gradient.rect Display a rectangle filled with an arbitrary color gradient

-- H --

hexagon Draw a hexagon
histStack Histogram "stacked" by categories
histStack.default Histogram "stacked" by categories
histStack.formula Histogram "stacked" by categories

-- I --

intersectDiagram Display set intersections

-- K --

kiteChart Magnitude by position chart.

-- L --

labbePlot Display a L'Abbe plot
ladderplot Ladder Plot
ladderplot.default Ladder Plot
legendg Legend with grouped bars, lines or symbols
lengthKey Key for interpreting lengths in a plot
listDepth Find the maximum depth of a list

-- M --

makeDendrite Build a list of the mutually exclusive attributes of objects
makeIntersectList Count set intersections
maxEmptyRect Find an empty space on a plot
mtext3d Display text in the margins of a 3D plot
multhist Plot a multiple histogram, as a barplot
multsymbolbox Draw boxes filled with symbols

-- O --

oz.windrose Display an Australian wind rose
oz.windrose.legend Display an Australian wind rose legend

-- P --

p2p_arrows Draw arrows between points
panes Prepare a "panel" type layout
pasteCols Paste the columns of a matrix together
paxis3d Display text in the margins of a 3D plot
perspx Display perspective plot
pie.labels Place labels on a pie chart
pie3D Display a 3D pie chart
pie3D.labels Display labels on a 3D pie chart
plot.dendrite Plot a dendrogram of a dendrite object
plotCI Plot confidence intervals/error bars
plotH Scatterplot with histogram-like bars.
plotH.default Scatterplot with histogram-like bars.
plotH.formula Scatterplot with histogram-like bars.
plotrix Specialized plots and plotting accessories
plot_bg Add a background color to a plot
polar.plot Plot values on a circular grid of 0 to 360 degrees
polygon.shadow Display a shadow effect for an arbitrary polygon
print.brklist Display the output of brkdnNest
propbrk Calculate the proportion of specified values in a vector
psegments3d Draw segments on a 3D plot
ptext3d Display text on a 3D plot
pyramid.plot Pyramid plot

-- R --

radial.grid Display a radial grid
radial.pie Plot sectors/annuli on a circular grid of 0 to 2*pi radians
radial.plot Plot values on a circular grid of 0 to 2*pi radians
radial.plot.labels Display labels on a circular grid
radialtext Display text in a radial line
raw.means.plot raw.means.plot: Raw-Means Plots for Experimental Designs
raw.means.plot2 raw.means.plot: Raw-Means Plots for Experimental Designs
rectFill Draw a rectangle filled with symbols
remove.args Remove inappropriate arguments from an argument list
rescale Scale numbers into a new range
revaxis Plot with axis direction(s) reversed
ruginv Add an Inverse Rug to a Plot

-- S --

seats Arrange N seats in M semicircular rows
sizeplot Plot with repeated symbols by size
sizetree Display a hierarchical breakdown of disjunct categories
size_n_color Display circles with specified size and color
sliceArray Slice an array
smoothColors Build a vector of color values
soil.texture Soil texture triangle plot Soil texture triangle plot using UK conventions
soils Soil texture data from 125 soils
spread.labels Spread labels for irregularly spaced values
spreadout Spread out a vector of numbers to a minimum interval
stackpoly Display the columns of a matrix or data frame as stacked polygons
staircase.plot Display a staircase plot
starPie A pie-like graphic object
staxlab Place staggered or angled labels on an axis
std.error Calculate standard error of the mean
sumbrk Count specified values in a vector
sumDendrite Sum the counts in the top level of a dendrite object
symbolbarplot barplot filled with symbols
symbolbox Draw a box filled with symbols

-- T --

tab.title Display the title of a plot as a colored tab
taylor.diagram Taylor diagram
textbox Add text box
thigmophobe Find the direction away from the closest point
thigmophobe.labels Place labels away from the nearest point
triax.abline Lines for triangle plot
triax.fill Triangle plot fill
triax.frame Triangle plot frame
triax.plot Triangle plot
triax.points Triangle plot points
tsxpos Calculate equispaced x positions.
twoord.plot Plot with two ordinates
twoord.stackplot Multiple (stack) plot with two ordinates

-- V --

valid.n Find the number of valid (not NA) values
vectorField Display magnitude/direction vectors

-- W --

weighted.hist Display a weighted histogram

-- Z --

zoomInPlot Display a plot with a rectangular section expanded in an adjacent plot