prodlim-package | Functions for estimating probabilities from right censored data |
atRisk | Drawing numbers of subjects at-risk of experiencing an event below Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen plots. |
backGround | Background and grid color control. |
clusterTestData | Data set with a clustered data structure, for testing the product limit method. |
confInt | Add point-wise confidence limits to the graphs of Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen estimates of survival and cumulative incidence. |
crModel | Competing risks model for simulation |
dimColor | Dim a given color to a specified density |
EventHistory.frame | Event history frame |
getEvent | Extract a column from an event history object. |
getStates | States of a multi-state model |
Hist | Create an event history response variable |
jackknife | Compute jackknife pseudo values. |
jackknife.competing.risks | Compute jackknife pseudo values. |
jackknife.survival | Compute jackknife pseudo values. |
leaveOneOut | Compute jackknife pseudo values. |
leaveOneOut.competing.risks | Compute jackknife pseudo values. |
leaveOneOut.survival | Compute jackknife pseudo values. |
lines.prodlim | Plotting event probabilities over time |
List2Matrix | Reduce list to a matrix or data.frame with names as new columns |
markTime | Marking product-limit plots at the censored times. |
meanNeighbors | Helper function to obtain running means for prodlim objects. | | Extract a design matrix and specials from a model.frame |
neighborhood | Nearest neighborhoods for kernel smoothing |
parseSpecialNames | Parse special terms |
PercentAxis | Percentage-labeled axis. |
plot.Hist | Box-arrow diagrams for multi-state models. |
plot.prodlim | Plotting event probabilities over time |
plotCompetingRiskModel | Plotting a competing-risk-model. |
plotIllnessDeathModel | Plotting an illness-death-model. |
predict.prodlim | Predicting event probabilities from product limit estimates |
predictCuminc | Predicting event probabilities from product limit estimates |
predictSurv | Predicting event probabilities from product limit estimates |
predictSurvIndividual | Predict individual survival probabilities |
print.Hist | Print objects in the prodlim library |
print.neighborhood | Print objects in the prodlim library |
print.prodlim | Print objects in the prodlim library |
prodlim | Functions for estimating probabilities from right censored data |
quantile.prodlim | Quantiles for Kaplan-Meier and Aalen-Johansen estimates. |
redist | Calculation of Efron's re-distribution to the right algorithm to obtain the Kaplan-Meier estimate. |
row.match | Identifying rows in a matrix or data.frame |
SimCompRisk | Simulate competing risks data |
SimSurv | Simulate survival data |
sindex | Index for evaluation of step functions. |
SmartControl | Function to facilitate the control of arguments passed to subroutines. |
stopTime | Stop the time of an event history object |
strip.terms | Strip special functions from terms |
summary.Hist | Summary of event histories |
summary.prodlim | Summary method for prodlim objects. |
survModel | Survival model for simulation |