ragene21sttranscriptcluster | Bioconductor annotation data package |
ragene21sttranscriptcluster.db | Bioconductor annotation data package |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterACCNUM | Map Manufacturer identifiers to Accession Numbers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterALIAS2PROBE | Map between Common Gene Symbol Identifiers and Manufacturer Identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterCHR | Map Manufacturer IDs to Chromosomes |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterCHRLENGTHS | A named vector for the length of each of the chromosomes |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterCHRLOC | Map Manufacturer IDs to Chromosomal Location |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterCHRLOCEND | Map Manufacturer IDs to Chromosomal Location |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterENSEMBL | Map Ensembl gene accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterENSEMBL2PROBE | Map Ensembl gene accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterENTREZID | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Entrez Gene |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterENZYME | Maps between Manufacturer IDs and Enzyme Commission (EC) Numbers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterENZYME2PROBE | Maps between Manufacturer IDs and Enzyme Commission (EC) Numbers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterGENENAME | Map between Manufacturer IDs and Genes |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterGO | Maps between manufacturer IDs and Gene Ontology (GO) IDs |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterGO2ALLPROBES | Maps between manufacturer IDs and Gene Ontology (GO) IDs |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterGO2PROBE | Maps between manufacturer IDs and Gene Ontology (GO) IDs |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterLOCUSID | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Entrez Gene |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterMAPCOUNTS | Number of mapped keys for the maps in package ragene21sttranscriptcluster.db |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterORGANISM | The Organism information for ragene21sttranscriptcluster |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterORGPKG | The Organism information for ragene21sttranscriptcluster |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterPATH | Mappings between probe identifiers and KEGG pathway identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterPATH2PROBE | Mappings between probe identifiers and KEGG pathway identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterPMID | Maps between Manufacturer Identifiers and PubMed Identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterPMID2PROBE | Maps between Manufacturer Identifiers and PubMed Identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterREFSEQ | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and RefSeq Identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterSYMBOL | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and Gene Symbols |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterUNIGENE | Map between Manufacturer Identifiers and UniGene cluster identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterUNIPROT | Map Uniprot accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptclusterUNIPROT2PROBE | Map Uniprot accession numbers with Entrez Gene identifiers |
ragene21sttranscriptcluster_dbconn | Collect information about the package annotation DB |
ragene21sttranscriptcluster_dbfile | Collect information about the package annotation DB |
ragene21sttranscriptcluster_dbInfo | Collect information about the package annotation DB |
ragene21sttranscriptcluster_dbschema | Collect information about the package annotation DB |