Package: regioneR Type: Package Title: Association analysis of genomic regions based on permutation tests Version: 1.2.3 Date: 2015-09-04 Author: Anna Diez-Villanueva , Roberto Malinverni and Bernat Gel Maintainer: Bernat Gel Description: regioneR offers a statistical framework based on customizable permutation tests to assess the association between genomic region sets and other genomic features. License: Artistic-2.0 Depends: memoise, GenomicRanges, BSgenome, rtracklayer, parallel Imports: memoise, GenomicRanges, BSgenome, rtracklayer, parallel Suggests: BiocStyle, knitr, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.masked, testthat VignetteBuilder: knitr biocViews: Genetics, ChIPSeq, DNASeq, MethylSeq, CopyNumberVariation NeedsCompilation: no RoxygenNote: 5.0.1 Packaged: 2016-02-09 05:00:33 UTC; biocbuild Built: R 3.2.3; ; 2016-10-26 17:59:53 UTC; unix