rngtools-package | Utility functions for working with Random Number Generators |
.getRNG | Getting/Setting RNGs |
.getRNG-method | Getting/Setting RNGs |
.getRNG-methods | Getting/Setting RNGs |
.setRNG | Getting/Setting RNGs |
.setRNG-method | Getting/Setting RNGs |
.setRNG-methods | Getting/Setting RNGs |
checkRNG | Checking RNG Differences in Unit Tests |
getRNG | Getting/Setting RNGs |
getRNG1 | Getting/Setting RNGs |
getRNG1-method | Getting/Setting RNGs |
getRNG1-methods | Getting/Setting RNGs |
hasRNG | Getting/Setting RNGs |
nextRNG | Getting/Setting RNGs |
rng.equal | Comparing RNG Settings |
rng1.equal | Comparing RNG Settings |
RNGdigest | Formatting RNG Information |
RNGinfo | Formatting RNG Information |
RNGrecovery | Directly Getting or Setting the RNG Seed |
RNGseed | Directly Getting or Setting the RNG Seed |
RNGseq | Generate Sequence of Random Streams |
RNGseq_seed | Generate Sequence of Random Streams |
RNGstr | Formatting RNG Information |
rngtools | Utility functions for working with Random Number Generators |
RNGtype | Formatting RNG Information |
setRNG | Getting/Setting RNGs |
showRNG | Formatting RNG Information |