Utility functions for working with Random Number Generators

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Documentation for package ‘rngtools’ version 1.2.4

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rngtools-package Utility functions for working with Random Number Generators
.getRNG Getting/Setting RNGs
.getRNG-method Getting/Setting RNGs
.getRNG-methods Getting/Setting RNGs
.setRNG Getting/Setting RNGs
.setRNG-method Getting/Setting RNGs
.setRNG-methods Getting/Setting RNGs
checkRNG Checking RNG Differences in Unit Tests
getRNG Getting/Setting RNGs
getRNG1 Getting/Setting RNGs
getRNG1-method Getting/Setting RNGs
getRNG1-methods Getting/Setting RNGs
hasRNG Getting/Setting RNGs
nextRNG Getting/Setting RNGs
rng.equal Comparing RNG Settings
rng1.equal Comparing RNG Settings
RNGdigest Formatting RNG Information
RNGinfo Formatting RNG Information
RNGrecovery Directly Getting or Setting the RNG Seed
RNGseed Directly Getting or Setting the RNG Seed
RNGseq Generate Sequence of Random Streams
RNGseq_seed Generate Sequence of Random Streams
RNGstr Formatting RNG Information
rngtools Utility functions for working with Random Number Generators
RNGtype Formatting RNG Information
setRNG Getting/Setting RNGs
showRNG Formatting RNG Information