% Check from R: % news(db = tools:::.build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd("~/R/Pkgs/robustbase/inst/NEWS.Rd")) \name{NEWS} \title{News for \R Package \pkg{robustbase}} \encoding{UTF-8} \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.92-6 (2016-05-28, svn r717)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item Now provide an \code{"lmrob"} method for the standard \R generic function \code{hatvalues()}, and also export its lower level workhorse \code{.lmrob.hat()} (formerly hidden \code{lmrob.leverages()}), which now by default has \code{names(.)}. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{.lmrob.hat()} (formerly \code{lmrob.leverages()}) has been corrected for the rank-deficient case. \item \code{classPC(m)} now also works for a 1-column matrix. } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.92-5 (2015-07-21, svn r698)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item \emph{Hidden} \code{print()} methods \code{print.summary.lmrob()} and \code{print.lmrob.S()} get a \code{showAlgo = TRUE} argument which the user can set to FALSE in order to suppress printing of the \dQuote{Algorithmic parameters}. \item import (remaining parts) from "base" packages. \item \code{summary()} now also prints a summary on the residuals. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{summary(lmrob(.))}'s variance-covariance matrix is now called \code{cov} instead of \code{cov.unscaled} (because it \emph{is} scaled). Code which has been using \code{vcov()} or \code{ $ cov}, or even \code{ $ cov} is not affected. } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.92-4 (2015-06-04, svn r696)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item Started this \file{NEWS.Rd} file, to eventually replace the \file{ChangeLog} \item \code{plot.lmrob()} also identifies largest residuals as \code{plot.lm()}. Also gets new argument \code{panel}, and \code{add.smooth=TRUE} behavior. \item adapt to the fact that R 3.3.0 will have its own \code{sigma()} S3 generic. \item setup for having message translations (volunteers sought!). } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item more careful in \file{../src/mc.c} (valgrind, thanks to Brian) \item add missing documentation, better examples for \code{predict.lmrob} \item \code{warn.limit.*} checks in \code{lmrob*()} } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.92-3 (2015-01-14, svn r679)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item The \sQuote{Co-Median} \code{covComed()} from Maria Anna, tweaked by Valentin and modified considerably by Martin. \item Also document (and export) \code{r6pack()} utility. \item New \code{smoothWgt()} function --- \dQuote{Biweight on a Stick} --- to be used as \code{wgtFUN} option for \code{covMcd()} or \code{covComed()}. \item New utility \code{colMedians()} and \code{rowMedians}, as we use columnwise medians in so many places. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item Tweaks to \code{medcouple()}, after detecting flaws -- which may be inherent and have \emph{not} been removed. \item Improved its documentation and the \code{adjOutlyingness()} one, notably its \dQuote{central} case. } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.92-2 (2014-11-22, svn r660)}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{covMcd()} with new options (\code{kmini}, \code{nmini}) now ok (sometimes wrong in 0.92-1). } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.92-1 (2014-11-18)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item The deterministic MCD, via \code{covMcd(..., nsamp="deterministic")}. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{adjOutlyingness()}: reverse the defaults of \code{clower} and \code{cupper} and fix an \dQuote{eternal} erronous \eqn{\pm}{+/-} swap; see new note in \file{man/adjOutlyingness.Rd}. } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.92-0 (2014-11-18)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{nlrob()} now works with indexed vector parameters. \item new \code{outlierStats()} (Manuel). } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item got rid of Fortran compiler warnings about \bold{ancient} style. \item \code{nlrob(*, weigths)}, fixing R-forge bug #5988. \item \code{covMcd()} fix for \dQuote{MAD = 0} case (new \code{exactfit} code 3). } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.91-1 (2014-05-01)}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.91-0 (2014-04-24)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.90-1 (2014-01-30)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } } \section{CHANGES in robustbase VERSION 0.9-8 (2013-06-14)}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item . } } }