Scale Functions for Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘scales’ version 0.4.0

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package-scales-package Generic plot scaling methods
abs_area Point area palette (continuous), with area proportional to value.
alpha Modify colour transparency. Vectorised in both colour and alpha.
area_pal Point area palette (continuous).
as.trans Convert character string to transformer.
asn_trans Arc-sin square root transformation.
atanh_trans Arc-tangent transformation.
boxcox_trans Box-Cox power transformation.
brewer_pal Color Brewer palette (discrete).
cbreaks Compute breaks for continuous scale.
censor Censor any values outside of range.
col2hcl Modify standard R colour in hcl colour space.
colour_ramp Fast color interpolation
col_bin Color mapping
col_factor Color mapping
col_numeric Color mapping
col_quantile Color mapping
comma Comma formatter: format number with commas separating thousands.
comma_format Comma formatter: format number with commas separating thousands.
ContinuousRange Mutable ranges.
cscale Continuous scale.
date_breaks Regularly spaced dates.
date_format Formatted dates.
date_trans Transformation for dates (class Date).
dichromat_pal Dichromat (colour-blind) palette (discrete).
discard Discard any values outside of range.
DiscreteRange Mutable ranges.
div_gradient_pal Diverging colour gradient (continous).
dollar Currency formatter: round to nearest cent and display dollar sign.
dollar_format Currency formatter: round to nearest cent and display dollar sign.
dscale Discrete scale.
expand_range Expand a range with a multiplicative or additive constant.
exp_trans Exponential transformation (inverse of log transformation).
extended_breaks Extended breaks. Uses Wilkinson's extended breaks algorithm as implemented in the 'labeling' package.
format_format Format with using any arguments to 'format'.
gradient_n_pal Arbitrary colour gradient palette (continous).
grey_pal Grey scale palette (discrete).
hue_pal Hue palette (discrete).
identity_pal Identity palette.
identity_trans Identity transformation (do nothing).
is.trans Create a new transformation object.
linetype_pal Line type palette (discrete).
log10_trans Log transformation.
log1p_trans Log plus one transformation.
log2_trans Log transformation.
logit_trans Probability transformation.
log_breaks Log breaks (integer breaks on log-transformed scales).
log_trans Log transformation.
manual_pal Manual palette (manual).
math_format Add arbitrary expression to a label. The symbol that will be replace by the label value is '.x'.
muted Mute standard colour.
ordinal Ordinal formatter: add ordinal suffixes (-st, -nd, -rd, -th) to numbers.
ordinal_format Ordinal formatter: add ordinal suffixes (-st, -nd, -rd, -th) to numbers.
package-scales Generic plot scaling methods
parse_format Parse a text label to produce expressions for plotmath.
percent Percent formatter: multiply by one hundred and display percent sign.
percent_format Percent formatter: multiply by one hundred and display percent sign.
pretty_breaks Pretty breaks. Uses default R break algorithm as implemented in 'pretty'.
probability_trans Probability transformation.
probit_trans Probability transformation.
Range Mutable ranges.
Range-class Mutable ranges.
reciprocal_trans Reciprocal transformation.
rescale Rescale numeric vector to have specified minimum and maximum.
rescale_max Rescale numeric vector to have specified maximum.
rescale_mid Rescale numeric vector to have specified minimum, midpoint, and maximum.
rescale_none Don't peform rescaling
rescale_pal Rescale palette (continuous).
reverse_trans Reverse transformation.
scales Generic plot scaling methods
scientific Scientific formatter.
scientific_format Scientific formatter.
seq_gradient_pal Sequential colour gradient palette (continous).
shape_pal Shape palette (discrete).
show_col Show colours.
sqrt_trans Square-root transformation.
squish Squish values into range.
squish_infinite Squish infinite values to range.
time_trans Transformation for times (class POSIXt).
train_continuous Train (update) a continuous scale
train_discrete Train (update) a discrete scale
trans Create a new transformation object.
trans_breaks Pretty breaks on transformed scale.
trans_format Format labels after transformation.
trans_new Create a new transformation object.
trans_range Compute range of transformed values.
unit_format Add units to the labels
wrap_format Wrap text to a specified width, adding newlines for spaces if text exceeds the width
zero_range Determine if range of vector is close to zero, with a specified tolerance