Version 1.3.2 Fixed a minor bug in recodeSNPs and some notes from the R CMD check. ############## Version 1.2.9 Fixed a major bug in colEpistatic. ############## Version 1.2.8 Removed a little bug from checkDistMat. ############## Version 1.2.7 Removed a little bug from pcc. ############## Version 1.2.6 Extended colEpistatic and added rowEpistatic. ############## Version 1.2.5 Corrected the estimates for the log odds ratios theta and their variances in rowTrendFuzzy. ############## Version 1.2.4 Added getMatFuzzy to construct a matrix containing fuzzy genotype calls. ############## Version 1.2.3 Added functions abf and rowTrendFuzzy for computing approximate Bayes factors and performing score tests for fuzzy genotype calls, respectively. ############## Version 1.2.2 Corrected the specification of some arguments to avoid the partial argument notes when R CMD check checks for possible problems in the R code. ############## Version 1.2.1 Added a function called colEpistatic for testing epistatic two-way interactions. ############## Version 1.2.0 Finally, rowHWEs and rowMAFs were added to the NAMESPACE file. ############## Version 1.1.9 Fixed a "bug" in the man page of rowHWEs. ############## Version 1.1.8 Fixed a bug in recodeCount. ############## Version 1.1.7 Added rowMAFs and rowHWEs. ############## Version 1.1.6 Fixed a wrong explanation in the man page for simulateSNPs. ############## Version 1.1.5 Added an argument to simulateSNPs that allows to generate data with a categorical response. ############## Version 1.1.4 Added the argument withRef to simulateSNPcatResponse. ############## Version 1.1.3 Added a require to buildSNPannotation. ############## Version 1.1.2 Moved buildSNPannotation and shortenSNPdescription from siggenes to scrime. Added the argument sameNull to rowChisq2Class and rowChisqMultiClass for their usage in siggenes. ############## Version 1.1.1 Just a few bug fixes in the new Rd-files. ############## Version 1.1.0 Added several functions for rowwise computations of statistics (tables, frequencies, correlations, Cochran-Armitage trend test, ...) which are partly based on contingency tables. ############## Version 1.0.7 Fixed a bug in scrime_internal.Rd. ############## Version 1.0.6 In replaceNAs, threshold for assuming that two variables are equal lowered (from 10^-5) to 10^-8. Fixed a bug in rowChisqStats concerning the p-value computation for constant variables. ############## Version 1.0.5 Added man page for simulateSNPcatResponse. Added function showChanges for showing this file in R. ############## Version 1.0.4 Added simulateSNPcatResponse (and print.simSNPcatResponse and buildSNPmat) for simulating SNP data and a categorical response. ############## Version 1.0.3 Added snp1norm2Mats for using Manhattan distance in knncatimputeLarge. ############## Version 1.0.2 Added row names to the output of knncatimputeLarge. Now pcc2Mats will also work correctly if a row of x1 and a row of x2 are identical. ############## Version 1.0.1 Added (internal function) check4Monomorphism to check for variables only showing one level in knncatimpute and knncatimputeLarge. Added identifyMonomorphism (plus man page) for identifying rows of a matrix showing just one level.