Analysis of High-Dimensional Categorical Data such as SNP Data

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Documentation for package ‘scrime’ version 1.3.3

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abf Approximate Bayes Factor
analyse.models Summarize MCMC sample of Bayesian logic regression models
buildSNPannotation Construct Annotation for Affymetrix SNP Chips
cohen Simple Matching Coefficient and Cohen's Kappa
colEpistatic Cordell's Test for Epistatic Interactions
computeContCells Pairwise Contingency Tables
computeContClass Rowwise Contigency Tables
fblr Full Bayesian Logic Regression for SNP Data
fblr.weight Full Bayesian Logic Regression for SNP Data
getMatFuzzy Trend Test for Fuzzy Genotype Calls
gknn Generalized k Nearest Neighbors
identifyMonomorphism Identification of Constant Variables
knncatimpute Missing Value Imputation with kNN
knncatimputeLarge Missing Value Imputation with kNN for High-Dimensional Data
pamCat Prediction Analysis of Categorical Data
pcc Pearson's Contingency Coefficient
predict.pamCat Predict Method for pamCat Objects
predictFBLR Predict Case Probabilities with Full Bayesian Logic Regression
print.colEpi Cordell's Test for Epistatic Interactions
print.pamCat Prediction Analysis of Categorical Data
print.simSNPcatResponse Simulation of SNP Data with Categorical Response
recodeAffySNP Recoding of Affymetrix SNP Values
recodeSNPs Recoding of SNP Values
rowCATTs Rowwise Cochran-Armitage Trend Test Based on Tables
rowChisq2Class Rowwise Pearson's ChiSquare Test Based on Tables
rowChisqMultiClass Rowwise Pearson's ChiSquare Test Based on Tables
rowChisqStats Rowwise Pearson's ChiSquare Statistic
rowCors Rowwise Correlation with a Vector
rowEpistatic Cordell's Test for Epistatic Interactions
rowFreqs Rowwise Frequencies
rowHWEs Rowwise Test for Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
rowMAFs Rowwise Minor Allele Frequency
rowMsquares Rowwise Linear Trend Test Based on Tables
rowScales Rowwise Scaling
rowTables Rowwise Tables
rowTrendFuzzy Trend Test for Fuzzy Genotype Calls
rowTrendStats Rowwise Linear Trend Tests
shortenGeneDescription Shorten the Gene Description
showChanges Displaying Changes
simulateSNPcatResponse Simulation of SNP Data with Categorical Response
simulateSNPglm Simulation of SNP data
simulateSNPs Simulation of SNP data
smc Simple Matching Coefficient and Cohen's Kappa
snp2bin Transformation of SNPs to Binary Variables
summary.simSNPglm Summarizing a simSNPglm object