seqinr-package | Biological Sequences Retrieval and Analysis |
a | Converts amino-acid three-letter code into the one-letter one |
aaa | Converts amino-acid one-letter code into the three-letter one |
aacost | Aerobic cost of amino-acids in Escherichia coli and G+C classes |
aaindex | List of 544 physicochemical and biological properties for the 20 amino-acids |
AAstat | To Get Some Protein Statistics |
acnucclose | open and close a remote access to an ACNUC database |
acnucopen | open and close a remote access to an ACNUC database |
al2bp | To Convert a forensic microsatellite allele name into its length in base pairs |
alllistranks | To get the count of existing lists and all their ranks on server |
alr | To get the count of existing lists and all their ranks on server |
amb | Expansion of IUPAC nucleotide symbols |
AnoukResult | Expected numeric results for Ka and Ks computation |
as.alignment | Constructor for class alignment |
as.matrix.alignment | as.matrix.alignment |
as.SeqAcnucWeb | Sequence coming from a remote ACNUC data base |
as.SeqFastaAA | AA sequence in Fasta Format |
as.SeqFastadna | Class for DNA sequence in Fasta Format |
as.SeqFrag | Class for sub-sequences |
autosocket | Returns a socket to the last opened database |
baselineabif | Estimation of baseline value |
bma | Computing an IUPAC nucleotide symbol |
c2s | conversion of a vector of chars into a string |
cai | Codon Adaptation Index |
caitab | Codon Adaptation Index (CAI) w tables |
cfl | The number of free lists available and annotation lines in an ACNUC server |
chargaff | Base composition in ssDNA for 7 bacterial DNA |
choosebank | To select a database structured under ACNUC and located on the web |
circle | Draws a circle |
clfcd | To create on server an ACNUC list from data lines sent by client |
clientid | open and close a remote access to an ACNUC database |
closebank | To close a remote ACNUC database |
clustal | Example of results obtained after a call to read.alignment |
col2alpha | To use a standard color with an alpha transparency chanel |
comp | complements a nucleic acid sequence |
computePI | To Compute the Theoretical Isoelectric Point |
con | Consensus and profiles for sequence alignments |
consensus | Consensus and profiles for sequence alignments |
count | Composition of dimer/trimer/etc oligomers |
countfreelists | The number of free lists available and annotation lines in an ACNUC server |
countsubseqs | Number of subsequences in an ACNUC list |
crelistfromclientdata | To create on server an ACNUC list from data lines sent by client |
css | Number of subsequences in an ACNUC list |
dia.bactgensize | Distribution of bacterial genome size from GOLD |
dia.db.growth | Get the exponential growth of nucleic acid database content |
dinucl | Mean zscore on 242 complete bacterial chromosomes |
dist.alignment | Pairwise Distances from Aligned Protein or DNA/RNA Sequences |
dotchart.uco | Cleveland plot for codon usage tables |
dotPlot | Dot Plot Comparison of two sequences |
draw.oriloc | Graphical representation for nucleotide skews in prokaryotic chromosomes. |
draw.rearranged.oriloc | Graphical representation for rearranged nucleotide skews in prokaryotic chromosomes. |
draw.recstat | Graphical representation of a recstat analysis. |
ec999 | 999 coding sequences from E. coli |
ECH | Forensic Genetic Profile Allelic Ladder Raw Data |
EXP | Vectors of coefficients to compute linear forms. |
exseq | To extract the sequences information of a sequence or a list of sequence in different formats |
extract.breakpoints | Extraction of breakpoint positions on the rearranged nucleotide skews. |
extractseqs | To extract the sequences information of a sequence or a list of sequence in different formats |
FASTA | read FASTA formatted files |
fasta | Example of results obtained after a call to read.alignment |
fastacc | Fast Allele in Common Count |
gb2fasta | Conversion of GenBank file into fasta file |
gbk2g2 | Conversion of a GenBank format file into a glimmer-like one |
gbk2g2.euk | Conversion of a GenBank format file into a glimmer-like one. Eukaryotic version. |
GC | Calculates the fractional G+C content of nucleic acid sequences. |
GC1 | Calculates the fractional G+C content of nucleic acid sequences. |
GC2 | Calculates the fractional G+C content of nucleic acid sequences. |
GC3 | Calculates the fractional G+C content of nucleic acid sequences. |
gcO2 | GC content and aerobiosis in bacteria |
GCpos | Calculates the fractional G+C content of nucleic acid sequences. |
gcT | GC content and temperature in bacteria |
get.db.growth | Get the exponential growth of nucleic acid database content |
get.ncbi | Bacterial complete genome data from ncbi ftp site |
getAnnot | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
getAnnot.default | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
getAnnot.list | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
getAnnot.logical | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
getAnnot.qaw | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
getAnnot.SeqAcnucWeb | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
getAnnot.SeqFastaAA | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
getAnnot.SeqFastadna | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
getAttributsocket | Get the ACNUC number of a sequence from its name or accession number |
getFrag | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.character | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.default | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.list | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.logical | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.qaw | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.SeqAcnucWeb | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.SeqFastaAA | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.SeqFastadna | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getFrag.SeqFrag | Generic function to extract sequence fragments |
getKeyword | Generic function to get keywords associated to sequences |
getKeyword.default | Generic function to get keywords associated to sequences |
getKeyword.list | Generic function to get keywords associated to sequences |
getKeyword.logical | Generic function to get keywords associated to sequences |
getKeyword.qaw | Generic function to get keywords associated to sequences |
getKeyword.SeqAcnucWeb | Generic function to get keywords associated to sequences |
getLength | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.character | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.default | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.list | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.logical | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.qaw | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.SeqAcnucWeb | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.SeqFastaAA | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.SeqFastadna | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getLength.SeqFrag | Generic function to get the length of sequences |
getlistrank | To get the rank of a list from its name |
getliststate | Asks for information about an ACNUC list of specified rank |
getLocation | Generic function to get the location of subsequences on the parent sequence |
getLocation.default | Generic function to get the location of subsequences on the parent sequence |
getLocation.list | Generic function to get the location of subsequences on the parent sequence |
getLocation.logical | Generic function to get the location of subsequences on the parent sequence |
getLocation.qaw | Generic function to get the location of subsequences on the parent sequence |
getLocation.SeqAcnucWeb | Generic function to get the location of subsequences on the parent sequence |
getName | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getName.default | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getName.list | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getName.logical | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getName.qaw | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getName.SeqAcnucWeb | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getName.SeqFastaAA | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getName.SeqFastadna | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getName.SeqFrag | Generic function to get the names of sequences |
getNumber.socket | Get the ACNUC number of a sequence from its name or accession number |
getSequence | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.character | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.default | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.list | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.logical | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.qaw | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.SeqAcnucWeb | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.SeqFastaAA | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.SeqFastadna | Generic function to get sequence data |
getSequence.SeqFrag | Generic function to get sequence data |
getTrans | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getTrans.character | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getTrans.default | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getTrans.list | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getTrans.logical | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getTrans.qaw | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getTrans.SeqAcnucWeb | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getTrans.SeqFastadna | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getTrans.SeqFrag | Generic function to translate coding sequences into proteins |
getType | To get available subsequence types in an opened ACNUC database |
gfrag | Extract sequence identified by name or by number from an ACNUC server |
ghelp | Get help from an ACNUC server |
gln | Asks for information about an ACNUC list of specified rank |
glr | To get the rank of a list from its name |
gls | Asks for information about an ACNUC list of specified rank |
gs500liz | GS500LIZ size standards |
identifiler | Identifiler allele names |
is.SeqAcnucWeb | Sequence coming from a remote ACNUC data base |
is.SeqFastaAA | AA sequence in Fasta Format |
is.SeqFastadna | Class for DNA sequence in Fasta Format |
is.SeqFrag | Class for sub-sequences |
isenum | Get the ACNUC number of a sequence from its name or accession number |
isn | Get the ACNUC number of a sequence from its name or accession number |
JLO | Forensic Genetic Profile Raw Data |
kaks | Ka and Ks, also known as dn and ds, computation |
kdb | Description of databases known by an ACNUC server |
knowndbs | Description of databases known by an ACNUC server |
lseqinr | To see what's inside the package seqinr |
m16j | Fragment of the E. coli chromosome |
mase | Example of results obtained after a call to read.alignment |
modifylist | Modification of an ACNUC list |
move | Rename an R object |
msf | Example of results obtained after a call to read.alignment |
mv | Rename an R object |
n2s | function to convert the numeric encoding of a DNA sequence into a vector of characters |
ncbi.fna.url | Bacterial complete genome data from ncbi ftp site |
ncbi.gbk.url | Bacterial complete genome data from ncbi ftp site |
ncbi.ptt.url | Bacterial complete genome data from ncbi ftp site |
ncbi.stats | Bacterial complete genome data from ncbi ftp site |
oriloc | Prediction of origin and terminus of replication in bacteria. |
parser.socket | Utility function to parse answers from an ACNUC server |
peakabif | Extraction of Peak locations, Heights and Surfaces from ABIF data |
permutation | Sequence permutation according to several different models |
pga | Select annotation lines in an ACNUC database |
phylip | Example of results obtained after a call to read.alignment |
pK | pK values for the side chain of charged amino acids from various sources |
plot.SeqAcnucWeb | To Plot Subsequences on the Parent Sequence |
plotabif | Electrophoregram plot for ABIF data |
plotladder | Simple plot of an allelic ladder from ABIF data |
plotPanels | Representation of Amplicon Size Ranges of a STR kit. |
pmw | Protein Molecular Weight |
prepgetannots | Select annotation lines in an ACNUC database |
prettyseq | Text representation of a sequence from an ACNUC server |
print.qaw | Print method for objects from class qaw |
print.SeqAcnucWeb | Print method for objects from class SeqAcnucWeb |
prochlo | Zscore on three strains of Prochlorococcus marinus |
query | To get a list of sequence names from an ACNUC data base located on the web |
quitacnuc | open and close a remote access to an ACNUC database |
read.abif | Read ABIF formatted files |
read.alignment | Read aligned sequence files in mase, clustal, phylip, fasta or msf format |
read.fasta | read FASTA formatted files |
readAnnots.socket | Generic Function to get sequence annotations |
readBins | Import GenMapper Bins configuration file |
readfasta | read FASTA formatted files |
readfirstrec | Low level function to get the record count of the specified ACNUC index file |
readPanels | Import GenMapper Panels configuration file |
readsmj | Low level function to read ACNUC SMJYT index files |
rearranged.oriloc | Detection of replication-associated effects on base composition asymmetry in prokaryotic chromosomes. |
recstat | Prediction of Coding DNA Sequences. |
residuecount | Total number of residues in an ACNUC list |
revaligntest | Three aligned nucleic acid sequences |
reverse.align | Reverse alignment - from protein sequence alignment to nucleic sequence alignment |
rho | Statistical over- and under- representation of dinucleotides in a sequence |
rot13 | Ergheaf gur EBG-13 pvcurevat bs n fgevat |
rscu | Codon usage indices |
s2c | conversion of a string into a vector of chars |
s2n | simple numerical encoding of a DNA sequence. |
savelist | Save sequence names or accession numbers into a file |
SeqAcnucWeb | Sequence coming from a remote ACNUC data base |
SeqFastaAA | AA sequence in Fasta Format |
SeqFastadna | Class for DNA sequence in Fasta Format |
SeqFrag | Class for sub-sequences |
seqinr | Biological Sequences Retrieval and Analysis |
SEQINR.UTIL | utility data for seqinr |
setlistname | Sets the name of an ACNUC list identified by its rank |
splitseq | split a sequence into sub-sequences |
stresc | Utility function to escape LaTeX special characters present in a string |
stutterabif | Stutter ratio estimation |
summary.SeqFastaAA | AA sequence in Fasta Format |
summary.SeqFastadna | Class for DNA sequence in Fasta Format |
swap | Exchange two R objects |
syncodons | Synonymous codons |
synsequence | Random synonymous coding sequence generation |
tablecode | to plot genetic code as in textbooks |
test.co.recstat | Tests if regions located between Stop codons contain putative CDSs. |
test.li.recstat | Tests if regions located between Stop codons contain putative CDSs. |
toyaa | A toy example of amino-acid counts in three proteins |
toycodon | A toy example of codon counts in three coding sequences |
translate | Translate nucleic acid sequences into proteins |
trimSpace | Trim leading and/or trailing spaces in strings |
uco | Codon usage indices |
ucoweight | Weight of each synonymous codon |
waterabs | Light absorption by the water column |
where.is.this.acc | Scans databases for a given sequence accession number |
words | To get all words from an alphabet. |
words.pos | Positions of possibly degenerated motifs within sequences |
write.fasta | Write sequence(s) into a file in fasta format |
zscore | Statistical over- and under- representation of dinucleotides in a sequence |