AsciiToInt Character to and from Integer Codes Conversion D1D2 Numerical Derivatives of (x,y) Data via Smoothing Splines D2ss Numerical Derivatives of (x,y) Data (via Smoothing Splines) Duplicated Counting-Generalization of duplicated() KSd Approximate Critical Values for Kolmogorov-Smirnov's D QUnif Quasi Randum Numbers via Halton Sequences Sys.cpuinfo Provide Information about the Linux Hardware (CPU, Memory, etc) Return Process Status (Unix 'ps') Information TA.plot Tukey-Anscombe Plot (Residual vs. Fitted) of a Linear Model axTexpr Axis Ticks Expressions in Nice 10 ** k Form cairoSwd Cairo PDF Graphics Device useful for Sweave capture.and.write Capture output and Write / Print First and Last Parts col01scale Matrix Scaling Utilities compresid2way Plot Components + Residuals for Two Factors cum.Vert.funkt Kumulative Verteilung Aufzeichnen diagDA Diagonal Discriminant Analysis diagX The "Other" Diagonal Matrix digitsBase Digit/Bit Representation of Integers in any Base eaxis Extended / Engineering Axis for Graphics ecdf.ksCI Plot Empirical Distribution Function With 95% Confidence Curves ellipsePoints Compute Radially Equispaced Points on Ellipse empty.dimnames Empty Dimnames of an Array errbar Scatter Plot with Error Bars f.robftest Robust F-Test: Wald test for multiple coefficients of rlm() Object. factorize Prime Factorization of Integers hatMat Hat Matrix of a Smoother hist.bxp Deprecated 'sfsmisc' Functions histBxp Plot a Histogram and a Boxplot integrate.xy Cheap Numerical Integration through Data points. inv.seq Inverse seq() - Short Expression for Index Vector is.whole Test Whether a Vector or Array Consists of Whole Numbers iterate.lin.recursion Generate Sequence Iterating a Linear Recursion last Get Last Elements of a Vector linesHyperb.lm Plot Confidence or Prediction Hyperbolas around a Regression Line loessDemo Graphical Interactive Demo of loess() lseq Generate Sequences, Equidistant on Log Scale mat2tex Produce LaTeX commands to print a matrix missingCh Has a Formal Argument been Set or is it Missing? mpl Simple Matrix Plots mult.fig Plot Setup for MULTiple FIGures, incl. Main Title n.code Convert "Round" Integers to Short Strings and Back n.plot Name Plot: Names or Numbers instead of Points in Plot nearcor Find the Nearest Proper Correlation Matrix nr.sign.chg Number of Sign Changes in Sequence p.arrows Prettified Arrows Plots p.datum Plot 'Datum' (deutsch!) unten rechts p.dnorm Plot Parametric Density Functions p.hboxp Add a Horizontal Boxplot to the Current Plot p.profileTraces Plot a profile.nls Object With Profile Traces p.res.2fact Plot Numeric (e.g. Residuals) vs 2 Factors Using Boxplots p.res.2x Stahel's Residual Plot against 2 X's p.scales Conversion between plotting scales: usr, cm, symbol p.tachoPlot Draw Symbol on a Plot p.ts plot.ts with multi-plots and Auto-Title - on 1 page paste.vec Utility for 'Showing' S vectors plotDS Plot Data and Smoother / Fitted Values plotStep Plot a Step Function Parallel Maxima / Minima (Scalar, Array) polyn.eval Evaluate Polynomials posdefify Find a Close Positive Definite Matrix potatoes Fisher's Potato Crop Data pretty10exp Nice 10 ** k Label Expressions primes Find all Primes Less Than n printTable2 Add and Print Marginals for 2-way Contingency Tables prt.DEBUG Utility Printing in DEBUG mode ps.end Close PostScript or Acrobat Graphics Device opened by '' / '' ps.latex PostScript/PDF Preview Device with Optional 'LaTeX' Touch quadrant Give the Quadrant Number of Planar Points Read.table for an Emacs Org Table repChar Make Simple String from Repeating a Character, e.g. Blank String rot2 Rotate Planar Points by Angle rotn Generalized Rot13 Character Translation (Rotation) roundfixS Round to Integer Keeping the Sum Fixed rrange Robust Range using Boxplot 'Quartiles' seqXtend Sequence Covering the Range of X, including X sessionInfoX Extended Information About the Current R Session signi Rounding to Significant Digits sourceAttach Source and Attach an R source file str_data Overview on All Datasets in an R Package tapplySimpl More simplification in tapply() result tkdensity GUI Density Estimation using Tcl/Tk toLatex.numeric LaTeX or Sweave friendly Formatting of Numbers u.Datumvonheute Datum und Uhrzeit (auf deutsch) u.assign0 'Portable' assign / get functions (R / S-plus) for 'Frame 0' u.boxplot.x Utility Returning x-Coordinates of Boxplot Return Date[-Time] String in 'European' Format u.datumdecode Convert "Numeric" Dates u.log (Anti)Symmetric Log High-Transform u.sys 'Portable' System function (R / S-plus) unif Nice Uniform Points in Interval uniqueL A Reversable Version of unique() vcat Paste Utilities - Concatenate Strings wrapFormula Enhance Formula by Wrapping each Term, e.g., by "s(.)" xy.grid Produce regular grid matrix. xy.unique.x Uniqify (X,Y) Values using Weights