% Check from R: % news(db = tools:::.build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd("~/R/Pkgs/sfsmisc/inst/NEWS.Rd")) \name{NEWS} \title{News for \R Package \pkg{sfsmisc}} \encoding{UTF-8} \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.1-0 [2016-02-22]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{primes()} has optional \code{pSeq} argument, surprisingly with no known benefit. \item tweaks for \code{xy.unique.x()} speedup. \item \code{QUnif(..., p, ...)} now works for large \eqn{p} (and gets a \code{silent} option to suppress the message). } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item Fix the \code{tkdensity()} bug introduced on 2015-07-22, hence, for \pkg{sfsmisc} versions \code{1.0-28} and \code{1.0-29}, with the \dQuote{codetools cleanup}. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-29 [2016-01-22]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new function \code{read.org.table()} to read emacs \file{org} files via \code{\link{read.table}()}. \item new \code{loessDemo()}, providing a version of an old \code{loess.demo()}. \item new \code{sessionInfoX()} utility (with \code{print()} method). } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item (workaround R (<= 3.2.2) bug:) the (invisible) return value \code{str_data()} no longer contains extraneous \code{NULL} entries in the filtering case. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-28 [2015-08-06]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{tkdensity()} is tweaked such as to look more standard to \pkg{codetools}; \item similarly (much less) for \code{factorize()} and \code{roundfixS()} \item new \code{demo("pretty-lab")} } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item also import from "base" packages \item \code{pretty10exp(*, lab.type = "latex")} typo fixed; \code{eaxis()} works better with \code{lab.type = "latex"}, both thanks to David Seifert. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-27 [2015-01-05]}{ \subsection{Repository}{ \itemize{ \item Moved sources to Github (\url{https://github.com/mmaechler/sfsmisc}), on Aug. 9, 2014, from years of emacs backups and a few RCS \dQuote{archives}. Blogged about it on \url{http://mmaechler.blogspot.ch/}. } } \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item New \code{missingCh()} utility, also for didactical purposes; \item new \code{rotn()} "utility". \item \code{eaxis()} gets an optional \code{sub10} argument. \item \code{mat2tex()} gets new option \code{envir = "tabular"}. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{cairoSwd()} adapted to new Sweave conventions. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-26 [2014-06-16]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new \code{is.whole()} to test if numbers are integer valued. \item new \code{cairoSwd()} from Alain Hauser (not yet exported). \item new \code{bi2int()} utility (called from \code{as.intBase()}) with a nice IP numbers transformation example. \item \code{toLatex.numeric()} gets \code{times} arg (from Alain). \item \code{pretty10exp()} gets new args \code{lab.type} and \code{lab.sep} from Ben Bolker. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item not using \code{prt.DEBUG()} anymore ourselves, as it has been deprecated. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-25 [2014-01-24]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item better docu on \code{Sys.cpuinfo()} } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item finally deprecate \code{prt.DEBUG()} } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-24 [2013-08-03]}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item Deprecate u.assign0() as globalenv assignment is mostly deprecated, and the S <-> R compatibility is unneeded now. \item ps.do() and pdf.do() are now closures with their own file name. ==> no globalenv assignment needed anymore. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-13 [2010-10-20]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new \code{demo(hatMat)} being more explicit than \code{?hatMat} } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-12 [2010-09-04]}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item \code{plotDS()} bug fix } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-11 [2010-02-22]}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item fix nearCor() example } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-10 [2009-12-16]}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item pdf.do() with better defaults [ ==> compatible to ps.do() ] } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-9 [2009-11-18]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-8 [2009-08-10]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-7 [2009-01-10]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-6 [2008-11-25]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new Sys.meminfo() \item p.profileTraces() improved; eaxis() } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-5 [2008-11-01]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new Duplicated() \item ellipsePoints() improvements \item eaxis() improvements } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item str_data() buglet } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-4 [2008-07-31]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-3 [2008-06-26]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item pdf.do() has better default behavior. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-2 [2008-05-03]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-1 [2008-01-30]}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item Encoding (latin1), and other platform issues \item inv.seq() and eaxis() improvements } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 1.0-0 [2007-12-10]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item plotDS() is new name for pl.ds() now allows 'ys' to be a smooth "fit structure". That is now easily constructed via \item new seqXtend() function for constructing a sequence which includes a give set of numbers x. \item y <- roundfixS(x) yields integers y[i] with the same sum as x[i]. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.96-01 [2007-11-21]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new function eaxis() for "engineering" / "extended" axis drawing, notably for log-axis labeling } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-13 [2007-09-13]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new function nearcor() {find nearest correlation matrix}; almost as donated by Jens Oehlschlaegel. } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item pdf.latex(), pdf.do() : defaults; viewer specifications... } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-12 [2007-06-30]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item New internal Sys.procinfo() function for cleaner implementation of Sys.cpuinfo() and Sys.meminfo(). } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-10 [2007-06-25]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new pdf.do(), pdf.end(), pdf.latex()), as analogues to ps.do() etc, \item implemented as wrapper to new dev.latex() utility function (dev.latex): instead of ps.latex(); (pdf.latex, ps.latex): now wrappers to dev.latex } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-9 [2007-03-15]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-8 [2007-01-18]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-7 [2006-10-19]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-6 [2006-06-26]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-5 [2006-06-22]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-4 [2006-02-26]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-3 [2006-01-25]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-2 [2005-11-03]}{ } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.95-1 [2005-04-25]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item rnls() for robust nonlinear regression; lseq() {seq() on log scale} utility \item now has a NAMESPACE } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.9-8 [2004-12-14]}{ \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item TA.plot() now also works for lme() results. } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.9-7 [2004-11-04]}{ \itemize{ \item Depends on R 1.9.0 (was effectively the case earlier): Removing old package names "modreg", "stepfun", etc } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.9-6 [2004-09-27]}{ \itemize{ \item bug fix in p.ts(): case of start(.) of length 2 } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.9-5 [2004-08-12]}{ \subsection{NEW FEATURES}{ \itemize{ \item new posdefify(m) returns a positive definite matrix close to 'm' \item New QUnif() and sHalton() for quasi-random number generation } } \subsection{BUG FIXES}{ \itemize{ \item fixed labeling bug in compresid2way(). } } \subsection{DEPRECATED & DEFUNCT}{ \itemize{ \item mult.fig()'s global assignment to 'old.par' is now deprecated. do work with op <- mult.fig(...)$old.par instead !! \item plotCI() is now deprecated -- use the one from package "gregmisc"! } } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.9-4 [2004-05-26]}{ \itemize{ \item p.ts() allows date-time objects for x-axis labeling, with new arguments 'date.x', 'do.x.axis', 'do.x.rug', 'ax.format' and 'xlab' \item strcodes() had a bug (offset by 1) which also lead to one in AsciiToInt() \item p.res.2x() has new arguments 'xlim', 'ylim', 'main' and a new default for 'scol' (= 2:3). } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.9-3 [2004-02-23]}{ \itemize{ \item p.res.2x() allows 'scol' of length 2. \item n.plot() fixed the "log = .." (non-default) option. } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.9-2 [2004-02-07]}{ \itemize{ \item put Sys.*() functions into unix-only directory \item ps.end() tries behaves better for non-unix finding the file \item u.date() becomes OS-independent. } } \section{CHANGES in sfsmisc VERSION 0.9-1 [2004-02-04 -- 1st CRAN ver.!]}{ \itemize{ \item new function compresid2way() from Werner Stahel. \item f.robftest() now returns an object of class "htest" \cr \cr %% FIXME: It seems wrong that this cannot be put into a final \note{.} %% tools:::.build_news_db_from_package_NEWS_Rd("~/R/Pkgs/sfsmisc/inst/NEWS.Rd") \item For more details, see the \file{ChangeLog} file! } }