\name{NEWS} \title{News for Package 'sp'} \section{Changes in version 1.2-3 (2016-04-06)}{ \itemize{ \item update sp gallery, see \url{https://edzer.github.io/sp/} \item move \code{methods} from Imports: to Depends: \item improve base plot methods for \code{SpatialGridDataFrame} and \code{SpatialPixelsDataFrame} objects, see \url{http://r-spatial.org/r/2016/03/08/plotting-spatial-grids.html} for examples \item improve the graticule \code{labels} methods, see \code{?gridlines} \item fix hole assignment for triangles, reported in \url{https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2016-March/024214.html} \item \code{as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology} drops rownames of coordinates generated, but keeps coordinate (column) names from the \code{cellcentre.offset} slot of the grid \item improve examples in \code{over} vignette. } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-2 (2016-02-05)}{ \itemize{ \item method `row.names` for `SpatialPoints` makes unique row names, or drops them. \item add a \code{labels} method for \code{gridlines}, drawing labels under varying angle (see \code{gridlines} example) \item add coercion (``as'' methods) from \code{deldir} to \code{SpatialLines} and \code{SpatialPolygons} \item migrate sp code base to github \item correct \code{[} subsetting when \code{i} is all \code{FALSE}; report by Francois Rousseau. \item add \code{geometry<-} method for \code{Spatial}, wrapping \code{addAttrToGeom} \item addressing \code{rbind} and docs issues raised by Kent Johnson on r-sig-geo, 5 Dec 2015 \item get `row.names` of coords correctly if object is a \code{SpatialPoints} \item add non-default coercion \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} to \code{SpatialPolygons} \item add comment to \code{SpatialPolygons} coerced from \code{SpatialGrid} or \code{SpatialPixels} \item \code{coordinates} method for \code{SpatiaLines} now retains rownames } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-1 (2015-10-17)}{ \itemize{ \item \code{spsample.Spatial} does no longer generate objects with rownames. \item \code{CRS} gains argument \code{doCheckCRSArgs}, to allow suppression of the default checking \item coercion from \code{Lines} to \code{SpatialPoints} now drops (duplicate) rownames \item add coercion from \code{SpatialLines*} to \code{SpatialMultiPoints*} \item improve printing of \code{SpatialMultiPoint*} objects \item \code{aggregate} now passes \code{minDimension} to \code{rgeos}; explanation of \code{aggregate} extended in its vignette \item depend on \code{rgeos} version 0.3-13 \item \code{merge} now accepts \code{"row.names"} or \code{0} for arguments \code{by.x} or \code{by.y}, for compatibility with \code{base::merge}. \item \code{aggregate} now accepts parameter \code{minDimension}, introduced for \code{over} in 1.2-0, and passes it on to \code{over} to control when features intersect; see the documentation of \code{over} and its vignette for details. \item \code{SpatialMultiPoints} objects with zero features can now exist. } } \section{Changes in version 1.2-0 (2015-09-01)}{ \itemize{ \item Support for \code{SpatialMultiPoints} and \code{SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame} objects. Where \code{SpatialPoints} are set of points, \code{SpatialMultiPoints} are sets of point sets. \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame} objects bind points to attribute values, \code{SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame} bind point sets to attribute values. Methods supported are subsetting (\code{[}), \code{plot}, \code{spplot}, \code{over}, and coercion to \code{SpatialPoints} or \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}. Functions in \CRANpkg{rgeos} support this feature class. See also \code{demo(mp)}. \item creating \code{SpatialPoints} objects with duplicated coordinate rownames now gives a warning, which will become an error in the future. \item Support for Google Earth or OpenStreetMap background maps in \code{sp::plot} and \code{spplot}. Maps returned by \itemize{ \item function \code{GetMap} in package \CRANpkg{RgoogleMaps} \item function \code{get_map} in package \CRANpkg{ggmap} } are now understood by plotting functions in \CRANpkg{sp}. In particular, \code{sp::plot} now has an argument \code{bgMap}, \code{spplot} now has panel functions \code{panel.RgoogleMaps} and \code{panel.ggmap}; See \code{demo(webmap)} for examples. As these maps assume a web mercator projection, \code{sp::plot} issues a warning if the object to be plotted have a CRS that does not contain \code{"+init=epsg:3857"} \item \code{over} methods that are taken care of by \CRANpkg{rgeos} (anything involving \code{SpatialLines}, or \code{SpatialPolygons}-\code{SpatialPolygons}) gained an argument \code{minDimension}, which causes an ordering of returned features by dimension of intersection, and the ability to select a minimun dimension (e.g. only area-overlap); this uses \code{gRelate}, and has a computational cost. Documentation found in \code{vignette("over")}. } }