0.4-01 Added dependence on Matrix, added Matrix methods to lagsarlm and errorsarlm as well as spautolm, add nb2WB, other fixes 0.3-28 Changes to ensure that class "nb" objects conform to specification, with only integer values (including a single zero for no neighbours). Thanks to Prof. Brian Ripley for reporting problem. 0.3-25 Added tol.solve= argument to spautolm() and tidied symmetry-checking for family="CAR", method="full" in the same function (thanks to Sam Veloz); by profiling and moving type checking, poly2nb() runs faster (thanks to Hisaji Ono). 0.3-22 Fixed polylist object formats; added Moran eigenvector filtering for glm() models in function ME(), which reproduces the results of SpatialFiltering() for the lag case; added family= argument to EBest to cover non-rare case (contributed by Olaf Berke). 0.3-20 Fix for method="SparseM" when memory allocation in chol() failed 0.3-17 Added function spautolm for weighted and unweighted SAR and CAR spatial regression, Luc Anselin's implementation of the Kelejian-Prucha GM error SAR estimator, and a function with examples by Carsten Dormann for generating autocovariates for adding to various models. Otherwise a couple of small fixes, and a first attempt to let poly2nb() work with sp polygons. It also includes SpatialFiltering by Yongwan Chun and Michael Tiefelsdorf for semi-parametric spatial filtering. 0.3-13 Addition of an example for nb2listw to show how the glist= argument can be used to exclude neighbour links based on observation pair criteria (houses neighbours with reference to sales price if sold after neighbour - by definition asymmetric); poly2nb(queen=FALSE) was falsely reporting rook neighbours where the only shared point was the first (and last) coordinate of one of the polygons - the first coordinate is now omitted. 0.3-12 Small fixes to suit 2.1.0 (gsub patterns, colortype= in vignette) 0.3-9 Removal of the Berkeley sparse code; correction of a bug found by Yong Cai inn subset.nb() which was wrong when the neighbour list had no-neighbour entities. 0.3-* Introduction of dependence on the SparseM package, and use of the determinant function there for the Jacobian 0.2-23 Added machine fuzz to max distance in dnearneigh() 0.2-18 Removed read.shape() from example(nc.sids) because of odd problems building Windows binary for CRAN, polylist object and centroids added to nc.sids.rda. 0.2-17 Further changes to poly2nb() reducing a 40 hour run for 44K polygons in Australia to 11 hours. Added p.adjustSP() with Danlin Yu for adjusting p-values for local statistics. 0.2-16 Added text to help page for tri2nb() to show ways of triangulating on a grid; added nb2blocknb to fill out an nb object with spatial "replications" that have to neighbour each other; poly2nb() altered to use the pythag() C function internally, rather than creating several large matrices - this should alleviate memory problems. 0.2-14 Dependency on R-1.9.0 because findInterval() in R altered to help with map class interval finding, making a modified local copy superfluous. earlier briefly: because spdep depends on the maptools package, it must be present for spdep to load correctly. all after 0.2-5: error in errorsarlm() and lagsarlm() corrected - the error was the silent assumption that all lagged intercepts followed "W" style weights, not the actual weights being used.