afcon | Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78 |
africa.rook.nb | Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78 |
afxy | Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78 |
aggregate.nb | Aggregate a spatial neighbours object |
airdist | Measure distance from plot |
anova.sarlm | Comparison of simultaneous autoregressive models |
aple | Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) |
aple.mc | Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) permutation test |
aple.plot | Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) scatterplot |
as.data.frame.localmoranex | Exact local Moran's Ii tests |
as.data.frame.localmoransad | Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests |
as.data.frame.sarlm.pred | Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
as.spam.listw | Spatial neighbour sparse representation |
as_dgRMatrix_listw | Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists |
as_dsCMatrix_I | Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists |
as_dsCMatrix_IrW | Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists |
as_dsTMatrix_listw | Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists |
auckland | Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset |
auckland.nb | Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset |
auckpolys | Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset |
autocov_dist | Distance-weighted autocovariate |
baltimore | House sales prices, Baltimore, MD 1978 |
bbs | Columbus OH spatial analysis data set |
bhicv | Data set with 4 life condition indices of Belo Horizonte region |
boston | Corrected Boston Housing Data |
boston.c | Corrected Boston Housing Data |
boston.soi | Corrected Boston Housing Data |
boston.utm | Corrected Boston Housing Data |
bptest.sarlm | Breusch-Pagan test for spatial models |
can.be.simmed | Spatial weights for neighbours lists |
card | Cardinalities for neighbours lists |
cell2nb | Generate neighbours list for grid cells |
cheb_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
chkIDs | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
choynowski | Choynowski probability map values |
coef.gmsar | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
coef.lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
coef.sarlm | Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
coef.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
coef.stsls | Generalized spatial two stage least squares |
coerce-method | Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists |
col.gal.nb | Columbus OH spatial analysis data set |
COL.nb | Columbus OH spatial analysis data set - old numbering |
COL.OLD | Columbus OH spatial analysis data set - old numbering |
columbus | Columbus OH spatial analysis data set |
complement.nb | Set operations on neighborhood objects |
coords | Columbus OH spatial analysis data set |
create_WX | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation |
deviance.gmsar | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
deviance.lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
deviance.sarlm | Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
deviance.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
deviance.stsls | Generalized spatial two stage least squares |
df2sn | Use arc-type shapefiles for import and export of weights |
diffnb | Differences between neighbours lists |
dll | 1980 Presidential election results |
dnearneigh | Neighbourhood contiguity by distance |
do_ldet | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
droplinks | Drop links in a neighbours list |
e80_queen | 1980 Presidential election results |
EBest | Global Empirical Bayes estimator |
EBImoran | Permutation test for empirical Bayes index |
EBImoran.mc | Permutation test for empirical Bayes index |
EBlocal | Local Empirical Bayes estimator |
edit.nb | Interactive editing of neighbours lists |
eigenw | Spatial weights matrix eigenvalues |
eigen_pre_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
eigen_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
eire | Eire data sets |
eire.coords.utm | Eire data sets |
eire.df | Eire data sets |
eire.nb | Eire data sets |
eire.polys.utm | Eire data sets |
elect80 | 1980 Presidential election results |
elect80_lw | 1980 Presidential election results |
errorsarlm | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation |
fitted.gmsar | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
fitted.lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
fitted.ME_res | Moran eigenvector GLM filtering |
fitted.sarlm | Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
fitted.SFResult | Semi-parametric spatial filtering |
fitted.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
gabrielneigh | Graph based spatial weights |
geary | Compute Geary's C |
geary.mc | Permutation test for Geary's C statistic |
geary.test | Geary's C test for spatial autocorrelation |
get.ClusterOption | Options for parallel support |
get.coresOption | Options for parallel support |
get.listw_is_CsparseMatrix_Option | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
get.mcOption | Options for parallel support |
get.spChkOption | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
get.VerboseOption | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
get.ZeroPolicyOption | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
getisord | Getis-Ord remote sensing example data |
globalG.test | Global G test for spatial autocorrelation |
GMargminImage | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
GMerrorsar | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
graph2nb | Graph based spatial weights |
griffith_sone | Spatial weights matrix eigenvalues |
gstsls | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive SAC model estimation by GMM |
Hausman.test | Likelihood ratio test |
Hausman.test.gmsar | Likelihood ratio test |
Hausman.test.sarlm | Likelihood ratio test |
hopkins | Hopkins burnt savanna herb remains |
house | Lucas county OH housing |
HPDinterval.lagImpact | Impacts in spatial lag models |
huddersfield | Prevalence of respiratory symptoms |
impacts | Impacts in spatial lag models |
impacts.gmsar | Impacts in spatial lag models |
impacts.MCMC_sar_g | Impacts in spatial lag models |
impacts.sarlm | Impacts in spatial lag models |
impacts.SLX | Impacts in spatial lag models |
impacts.stsls | Impacts in spatial lag models |
include.self | Include self in neighbours list |
intersect.nb | Set operations on neighborhood objects |
intImpacts | Impacts in spatial lag models |
invIrM | Compute SAR generating operator |
invIrW | Compute SAR generating operator |
is.symmetric.glist | Test a neighbours list for symmetry |
is.symmetric.nb | Test a neighbours list for symmetry |
jacobianSetup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
Jacobian_W | Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists |
joincount.mc | Permutation test for same colour join count statistics |
joincount.multi | BB, BW and Jtot join count statistic for k-coloured factors |
joincount.test | BB join count statistic for k-coloured factors |
k4 | 1980 Presidential election results |
knearneigh | K nearest neighbours for spatial weights |
knn2nb | Neighbours list from knn object |
lag.listw | Spatial lag of a numeric vector |
lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
lagsarlm | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive lag model estimation |
lee | Compute Lee's statistic |
lee.mc | Permutation test for Lee's L statistic |
lee.test | Lee's L test for spatial autocorrelation |
lextrB | Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights |
lextrS | Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights |
lextrW | Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights |
listw2lines | Use arc-type shapefiles for import and export of weights |
listw2mat | Spatial weights matrices for neighbours lists |
listw2sn | Spatial neighbour sparse representation |
listw2star | Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests |
listw2U | Moran's I test for residual spatial autocorrelation |
listw2WB | Output spatial weights for WinBUGS |
listw_NY | New York leukemia data |
lm.LMtests | Lagrange Multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence in linear models |
lm.morantest | Moran's I test for residual spatial autocorrelation |
lm.morantest.exact | Exact global Moran's I test |
lm.morantest.sad | Saddlepoint approximation of global Moran's I test |
lmSLX | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation |
localAple | Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) scatterplot |
localG | G and Gstar local spatial statistics |
localmoran | Local Moran's I statistic |
localmoran.exact | Exact local Moran's Ii tests |
localmoran.exact.alt | Exact local Moran's Ii tests |
localmoran.sad | Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests |
logLik.lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
logLik.sarlm | Likelihood ratio test |
logLik.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
LO_nb | Lucas county OH housing |
LR.sarlm | Likelihood ratio test |
LR1.sarlm | Likelihood ratio test |
LR1.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
LU_prepermutate_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
LU_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
l_max | Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights |
make.sym.nb | Test a neighbours list for symmetry |
mat2listw | Convert a square spatial weights matrix to a weights list object |
Matrix_J_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
Matrix_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
mcdet_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
MCMCsamp | MCMC sample from fitted spatial regression |
MCMCsamp.sarlm | MCMC sample from fitted spatial regression |
MCMCsamp.spautolm | MCMC sample from fitted spatial regression |
ME | Moran eigenvector GLM filtering |
moments_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
mom_calc | Spatial weights matrix powers traces |
mom_calc_int2 | Spatial weights matrix powers traces |
moran | Compute Moran's I |
moran.mc | Permutation test for Moran's I statistic |
moran.plot | Moran scatterplot |
moran.test | Moran's I test for spatial autocorrelation |
mrc2vi | Generate neighbours list for grid cells |
mstree | Find the minimal spanning tree |
n.comp.nb | Depth First Search on Neighbor Lists |
nb2blocknb | Block up neighbour list for location-less observations |
nb2INLA | Output spatial neighbours for INLA |
nb2lines | Use arc-type shapefiles for import and export of weights |
nb2listw | Spatial weights for neighbours lists |
nb2mat | Spatial weights matrices for neighbours lists |
nb2WB | Output spatial weights for WinBUGS |
nbcost | Compute cost of edges |
nbcosts | Compute cost of edges |
nbdists | Spatial link distance measures |
nblag | Higher order neighbours lists |
nblag_cumul | Higher order neighbours lists |
nc.sids | North Carolina SIDS data |
ncCC89.nb | North Carolina SIDS data |
ncCR85.nb | North Carolina SIDS data |
nydata | New York leukemia data |
NY_data | New York leukemia data |
old.make.sym.nb | Test a neighbours list for symmetry |
oldcol | Columbus OH spatial analysis data set - old numbering |
p.adjustSP | Adjust local association measures' p-values |
paper.nb | Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78 |
plot.Gabriel | Graph based spatial weights |
plot.lagImpact | Impacts in spatial lag models |
plot.listw | Plot a neighbours list |
plot.mc.sim | Mantel-Hubert spatial general cross product statistic |
plot.mst | Plot the Minimum Spanning Tree |
plot.nb | Plot a neighbours list |
plot.relative | Graph based spatial weights |
plot.skater | Plot the object of skater class |
plot.spcor | Spatial correlogram |
poly2nb | Construct neighbours list from polygon list |
polys | Columbus OH spatial analysis data set |
powerWeights | Compute SAR generating operator |
predict.sarlm | Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
predict.SLX | Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
print.gmsar | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
print.jclist | BB join count statistic for k-coloured factors |
print.jcmulti | BB, BW and Jtot join count statistic for k-coloured factors |
print.lagImpact | Impacts in spatial lag models |
print.lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
print.listw | Print and summary function for neighbours and weights lists |
print.LMtestlist | Lagrange Multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence in linear models |
print.LMtestlist.summary | Lagrange Multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence in linear models |
print.localmoranex | Exact local Moran's Ii tests |
print.localmoransad | Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests |
print.ME_res | Moran eigenvector GLM filtering |
print.moranex | Exact global Moran's I test |
print.moransad | Saddlepoint approximation of global Moran's I test |
print.nb | Print and summary function for neighbours and weights lists |
print.sarlm | summary method for class sarlm |
print.sarlm.pred | Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
print.SFResult | Semi-parametric spatial filtering |
print.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
print.spcor | Spatial correlogram |
print.stsls | Generalized spatial two stage least squares |
print.summary.gmsar | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
print.summary.lagImpact | Impacts in spatial lag models |
print.summary.lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
print.summary.localmoransad | Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests |
print.summary.moransad | Saddlepoint approximation of global Moran's I test |
print.summary.sarlm | summary method for class sarlm |
print.summary.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
print.summary.stsls | Generalized spatial two stage least squares |
print.summary.WXImpact | Impacts in spatial lag models |
print.WXImpact | Impacts in spatial lag models |
probmap | Probability mapping for rates |
prunecost | Compute cost of prune each edge |
prunemst | Prune a Minimun Spanning Tree |
queencell | Generate neighbours list for grid cells |
read.dat2listw | Read and write spatial neighbour files |
read.gal | Read a GAL lattice file into a neighbours list |
read.geoda | Read a GAL lattice file into a neighbours list |
read.gwt2nb | Read and write spatial neighbour files |
relativeneigh | Graph based spatial weights |
residuals.gmsar | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
residuals.lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
residuals.sarlm | Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
residuals.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
residuals.stsls | Generalized spatial two stage least squares |
rookcell | Generate neighbours list for grid cells |
Rotation | Rotate a set of point by a certain angle |
sacsarlm | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive SAC model estimation |
set.ClusterOption | Options for parallel support |
set.coresOption | Options for parallel support |
set.listw_is_CsparseMatrix_Option | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
set.mcOption | Options for parallel support |
set.spChkOption | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
set.VerboseOption | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
set.ZeroPolicyOption | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
setdiff.nb | Set operations on neighborhood objects |
SE_classic_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
SE_interp_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
SE_whichMin_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
sidscents | North Carolina SIDS data |
sidspolys | North Carolina SIDS data |
similar.listw | Create symmetric similar weights lists |
skater | Spatial 'K'luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal |
sn2listw | Spatial neighbour sparse representation |
soi.graph | Graph based spatial weights |
sp.correlogram | Spatial correlogram |
sp.mantel.mc | Mantel-Hubert spatial general cross product statistic |
spam_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
spam_update_setup | Spatial regression model Jacobian computations |
SpatialFiltering | Semi-parametric spatial filtering |
spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
spBreg_lag | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive lag model estimation |
spdep | Return package version number |
spNamedVec | Control checking of spatial object IDs |
spweights.constants | Provides constants for spatial weights matrices |
ssw | Compute the sum of dissimilarity |
stsls | Generalized spatial two stage least squares |
subgraph_eigenw | Spatial weights matrix eigenvalues |
subset.listw | Subset a spatial weights list |
subset.nb | Subset a neighbours list |
summary.gmsar | Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM |
summary.lagImpact | Impacts in spatial lag models |
summary.lagmess | Matrix exponential spatial lag model |
summary.listw | Print and summary function for neighbours and weights lists |
summary.LMtestlist | Lagrange Multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence in linear models |
summary.localmoransad | Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests |
summary.moransad | Saddlepoint approximation of global Moran's I test |
summary.nb | Print and summary function for neighbours and weights lists |
summary.sarlm | summary method for class sarlm |
summary.spautolm | Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation |
summary.stsls | Generalized spatial two stage least squares |
summary.WXImpact | Impacts in spatial lag models |
sym.attr.nb | Test a neighbours list for symmetry |
Szero | Provides constants for spatial weights matrices |
tolerance.nb | Function to construct edges based on a tolerance angle and a maximum distance |
tri2nb | Neighbours list from tri object |
trMat | Lucas county OH housing |
trW | Spatial weights matrix powers traces |
union.nb | Set operations on neighborhood objects |
usa48.nb | US 1960 used car prices |
used.cars | US 1960 used car prices |
vcov.sarlm | Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects |
vi2mrc | Generate neighbours list for grid cells |
Wald1.sarlm | Likelihood ratio test |
wheat | Mercer and Hall wheat yield data |
write.nb.gal | Write a neighbours list as a GAL lattice file |
write.sn2dat | Read and write spatial neighbour files |
write.sn2gwt | Read and write spatial neighbour files |
x | Getis-Ord remote sensing example data |
xyz | Getis-Ord remote sensing example data |
y | Getis-Ord remote sensing example data |