Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models

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Documentation for package ‘spdep’ version 0.6-8

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-- A --

afcon Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
africa.rook.nb Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
afxy Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
aggregate.nb Aggregate a spatial neighbours object
airdist Measure distance from plot
anova.sarlm Comparison of simultaneous autoregressive models
aple Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) permutation test
aple.plot Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) scatterplot Exact local Moran's Ii tests Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
as.spam.listw Spatial neighbour sparse representation
as_dgRMatrix_listw Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists
as_dsCMatrix_I Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists
as_dsCMatrix_IrW Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists
as_dsTMatrix_listw Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists
auckland Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
auckland.nb Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
auckpolys Marshall's infant mortality in Auckland dataset
autocov_dist Distance-weighted autocovariate

-- B --

baltimore House sales prices, Baltimore, MD 1978
bbs Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
bhicv Data set with 4 life condition indices of Belo Horizonte region
boston Corrected Boston Housing Data
boston.c Corrected Boston Housing Data
boston.soi Corrected Boston Housing Data
boston.utm Corrected Boston Housing Data
bptest.sarlm Breusch-Pagan test for spatial models

-- C -- Spatial weights for neighbours lists
card Cardinalities for neighbours lists
cell2nb Generate neighbours list for grid cells
cheb_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
chkIDs Control checking of spatial object IDs
choynowski Choynowski probability map values
coef.gmsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
coef.lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
coef.sarlm Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
coef.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
coef.stsls Generalized spatial two stage least squares
coerce-method Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
COL.nb Columbus OH spatial analysis data set - old numbering
COL.OLD Columbus OH spatial analysis data set - old numbering
columbus Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
complement.nb Set operations on neighborhood objects
coords Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
create_WX Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation

-- D --

deviance.gmsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
deviance.lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
deviance.sarlm Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
deviance.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
deviance.stsls Generalized spatial two stage least squares
df2sn Use arc-type shapefiles for import and export of weights
diffnb Differences between neighbours lists
dll 1980 Presidential election results
dnearneigh Neighbourhood contiguity by distance
do_ldet Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
droplinks Drop links in a neighbours list

-- E --

e80_queen 1980 Presidential election results
EBest Global Empirical Bayes estimator
EBImoran Permutation test for empirical Bayes index Permutation test for empirical Bayes index
EBlocal Local Empirical Bayes estimator
edit.nb Interactive editing of neighbours lists
eigenw Spatial weights matrix eigenvalues
eigen_pre_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
eigen_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
eire Eire data sets
eire.coords.utm Eire data sets
eire.df Eire data sets
eire.nb Eire data sets
eire.polys.utm Eire data sets
elect80 1980 Presidential election results
elect80_lw 1980 Presidential election results
errorsarlm Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation

-- F --

fitted.gmsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
fitted.lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
fitted.ME_res Moran eigenvector GLM filtering
fitted.sarlm Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
fitted.SFResult Semi-parametric spatial filtering
fitted.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation

-- G --

gabrielneigh Graph based spatial weights
geary Compute Geary's C Permutation test for Geary's C statistic
geary.test Geary's C test for spatial autocorrelation
get.ClusterOption Options for parallel support
get.coresOption Options for parallel support
get.listw_is_CsparseMatrix_Option Control checking of spatial object IDs
get.mcOption Options for parallel support
get.spChkOption Control checking of spatial object IDs
get.VerboseOption Control checking of spatial object IDs
get.ZeroPolicyOption Control checking of spatial object IDs
getisord Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
globalG.test Global G test for spatial autocorrelation
GMargminImage Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
GMerrorsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
graph2nb Graph based spatial weights
griffith_sone Spatial weights matrix eigenvalues
gstsls Spatial simultaneous autoregressive SAC model estimation by GMM

-- H --

Hausman.test Likelihood ratio test
Hausman.test.gmsar Likelihood ratio test
Hausman.test.sarlm Likelihood ratio test
hopkins Hopkins burnt savanna herb remains
house Lucas county OH housing
HPDinterval.lagImpact Impacts in spatial lag models
huddersfield Prevalence of respiratory symptoms

-- I --

impacts Impacts in spatial lag models
impacts.gmsar Impacts in spatial lag models
impacts.MCMC_sar_g Impacts in spatial lag models
impacts.sarlm Impacts in spatial lag models
impacts.SLX Impacts in spatial lag models
impacts.stsls Impacts in spatial lag models
include.self Include self in neighbours list
intersect.nb Set operations on neighborhood objects
intImpacts Impacts in spatial lag models
invIrM Compute SAR generating operator
invIrW Compute SAR generating operator
is.symmetric.glist Test a neighbours list for symmetry
is.symmetric.nb Test a neighbours list for symmetry

-- J --

jacobianSetup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
Jacobian_W Interface between Matrix class objects and weights lists Permutation test for same colour join count statistics
joincount.multi BB, BW and Jtot join count statistic for k-coloured factors
joincount.test BB join count statistic for k-coloured factors

-- K --

k4 1980 Presidential election results
knearneigh K nearest neighbours for spatial weights
knn2nb Neighbours list from knn object

-- L --

lag.listw Spatial lag of a numeric vector
lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
lagsarlm Spatial simultaneous autoregressive lag model estimation
lee Compute Lee's statistic Permutation test for Lee's L statistic
lee.test Lee's L test for spatial autocorrelation
lextrB Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights
lextrS Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights
lextrW Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights
listw2lines Use arc-type shapefiles for import and export of weights
listw2mat Spatial weights matrices for neighbours lists
listw2sn Spatial neighbour sparse representation
listw2star Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests
listw2U Moran's I test for residual spatial autocorrelation
listw2WB Output spatial weights for WinBUGS
listw_NY New York leukemia data
lm.LMtests Lagrange Multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence in linear models
lm.morantest Moran's I test for residual spatial autocorrelation
lm.morantest.exact Exact global Moran's I test
lm.morantest.sad Saddlepoint approximation of global Moran's I test
lmSLX Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation
localAple Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) scatterplot
localG G and Gstar local spatial statistics
localmoran Local Moran's I statistic
localmoran.exact Exact local Moran's Ii tests
localmoran.exact.alt Exact local Moran's Ii tests
localmoran.sad Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests
logLik.lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
logLik.sarlm Likelihood ratio test
logLik.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
LO_nb Lucas county OH housing
LR.sarlm Likelihood ratio test
LR1.sarlm Likelihood ratio test
LR1.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
LU_prepermutate_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
LU_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
l_max Find extreme eigenvalues of binary symmetric spatial weights

-- M --

make.sym.nb Test a neighbours list for symmetry
mat2listw Convert a square spatial weights matrix to a weights list object
Matrix_J_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
Matrix_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
mcdet_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
MCMCsamp MCMC sample from fitted spatial regression
MCMCsamp.sarlm MCMC sample from fitted spatial regression
MCMCsamp.spautolm MCMC sample from fitted spatial regression
ME Moran eigenvector GLM filtering
moments_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
mom_calc Spatial weights matrix powers traces
mom_calc_int2 Spatial weights matrix powers traces
moran Compute Moran's I Permutation test for Moran's I statistic
moran.plot Moran scatterplot
moran.test Moran's I test for spatial autocorrelation
mrc2vi Generate neighbours list for grid cells
mstree Find the minimal spanning tree

-- N --

n.comp.nb Depth First Search on Neighbor Lists
nb2blocknb Block up neighbour list for location-less observations
nb2INLA Output spatial neighbours for INLA
nb2lines Use arc-type shapefiles for import and export of weights
nb2listw Spatial weights for neighbours lists
nb2mat Spatial weights matrices for neighbours lists
nb2WB Output spatial weights for WinBUGS
nbcost Compute cost of edges
nbcosts Compute cost of edges
nbdists Spatial link distance measures
nblag Higher order neighbours lists
nblag_cumul Higher order neighbours lists
nc.sids North Carolina SIDS data
ncCC89.nb North Carolina SIDS data
ncCR85.nb North Carolina SIDS data
nydata New York leukemia data
NY_data New York leukemia data

-- O --

old.make.sym.nb Test a neighbours list for symmetry
oldcol Columbus OH spatial analysis data set - old numbering

-- P --

p.adjustSP Adjust local association measures' p-values
paper.nb Spatial patterns of conflict in Africa 1966-78
plot.Gabriel Graph based spatial weights
plot.lagImpact Impacts in spatial lag models
plot.listw Plot a neighbours list Mantel-Hubert spatial general cross product statistic
plot.mst Plot the Minimum Spanning Tree
plot.nb Plot a neighbours list
plot.relative Graph based spatial weights
plot.skater Plot the object of skater class
plot.spcor Spatial correlogram
poly2nb Construct neighbours list from polygon list
polys Columbus OH spatial analysis data set
powerWeights Compute SAR generating operator
predict.sarlm Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
predict.SLX Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
print.gmsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
print.jclist BB join count statistic for k-coloured factors
print.jcmulti BB, BW and Jtot join count statistic for k-coloured factors
print.lagImpact Impacts in spatial lag models
print.lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
print.listw Print and summary function for neighbours and weights lists
print.LMtestlist Lagrange Multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence in linear models
print.LMtestlist.summary Lagrange Multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence in linear models
print.localmoranex Exact local Moran's Ii tests
print.localmoransad Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests
print.ME_res Moran eigenvector GLM filtering
print.moranex Exact global Moran's I test
print.moransad Saddlepoint approximation of global Moran's I test
print.nb Print and summary function for neighbours and weights lists
print.sarlm summary method for class sarlm
print.sarlm.pred Prediction for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
print.SFResult Semi-parametric spatial filtering
print.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
print.spcor Spatial correlogram
print.stsls Generalized spatial two stage least squares
print.summary.gmsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
print.summary.lagImpact Impacts in spatial lag models
print.summary.lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
print.summary.localmoransad Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests
print.summary.moransad Saddlepoint approximation of global Moran's I test
print.summary.sarlm summary method for class sarlm
print.summary.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
print.summary.stsls Generalized spatial two stage least squares
print.summary.WXImpact Impacts in spatial lag models
print.WXImpact Impacts in spatial lag models
probmap Probability mapping for rates
prunecost Compute cost of prune each edge
prunemst Prune a Minimun Spanning Tree

-- Q --

queencell Generate neighbours list for grid cells

-- R --

read.dat2listw Read and write spatial neighbour files Read a GAL lattice file into a neighbours list
read.geoda Read a GAL lattice file into a neighbours list
read.gwt2nb Read and write spatial neighbour files
relativeneigh Graph based spatial weights
residuals.gmsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
residuals.lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
residuals.sarlm Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
residuals.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
residuals.stsls Generalized spatial two stage least squares
rookcell Generate neighbours list for grid cells
Rotation Rotate a set of point by a certain angle

-- S --

sacsarlm Spatial simultaneous autoregressive SAC model estimation
set.ClusterOption Options for parallel support
set.coresOption Options for parallel support
set.listw_is_CsparseMatrix_Option Control checking of spatial object IDs
set.mcOption Options for parallel support
set.spChkOption Control checking of spatial object IDs
set.VerboseOption Control checking of spatial object IDs
set.ZeroPolicyOption Control checking of spatial object IDs
setdiff.nb Set operations on neighborhood objects
SE_classic_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
SE_interp_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
SE_whichMin_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
sidscents North Carolina SIDS data
sidspolys North Carolina SIDS data
similar.listw Create symmetric similar weights lists
skater Spatial 'K'luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal
sn2listw Spatial neighbour sparse representation
soi.graph Graph based spatial weights
sp.correlogram Spatial correlogram Mantel-Hubert spatial general cross product statistic
spam_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
spam_update_setup Spatial regression model Jacobian computations
SpatialFiltering Semi-parametric spatial filtering
spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
spBreg_lag Spatial simultaneous autoregressive lag model estimation
spdep Return package version number
spNamedVec Control checking of spatial object IDs
spweights.constants Provides constants for spatial weights matrices
ssw Compute the sum of dissimilarity
stsls Generalized spatial two stage least squares
subgraph_eigenw Spatial weights matrix eigenvalues
subset.listw Subset a spatial weights list
subset.nb Subset a neighbours list
summary.gmsar Spatial simultaneous autoregressive error model estimation by GMM
summary.lagImpact Impacts in spatial lag models
summary.lagmess Matrix exponential spatial lag model
summary.listw Print and summary function for neighbours and weights lists
summary.LMtestlist Lagrange Multiplier diagnostics for spatial dependence in linear models
summary.localmoransad Saddlepoint approximation of local Moran's Ii tests
summary.moransad Saddlepoint approximation of global Moran's I test
summary.nb Print and summary function for neighbours and weights lists
summary.sarlm summary method for class sarlm
summary.spautolm Spatial conditional and simultaneous autoregression model estimation
summary.stsls Generalized spatial two stage least squares
summary.WXImpact Impacts in spatial lag models
sym.attr.nb Test a neighbours list for symmetry
Szero Provides constants for spatial weights matrices

-- T --

tolerance.nb Function to construct edges based on a tolerance angle and a maximum distance
tri2nb Neighbours list from tri object
trMat Lucas county OH housing
trW Spatial weights matrix powers traces

-- U --

union.nb Set operations on neighborhood objects
usa48.nb US 1960 used car prices US 1960 used car prices

-- V --

vcov.sarlm Access functions for spatial simultaneous autoregressive linear model objects
vi2mrc Generate neighbours list for grid cells

-- W --

Wald1.sarlm Likelihood ratio test
wheat Mercer and Hall wheat yield data Write a neighbours list as a GAL lattice file
write.sn2dat Read and write spatial neighbour files
write.sn2gwt Read and write spatial neighbour files

-- X --

x Getis-Ord remote sensing example data
xyz Getis-Ord remote sensing example data

-- Y --

y Getis-Ord remote sensing example data