Surrogate Variable Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘sva’ version 3.18.0

Help Pages

sva-package sva: a package for removing artifacts from microarray and sequencing data
ComBat Adjust for batch effects using an empirical Bayes framework
empirical.controls A function for estimating the probability that each gene is an empirical control
f.pvalue A function for quickly calculating f statistic p-values for use in sva
fstats A function for quickly calculating f statistics for use in sva
fsva A function for performing frozen surrogate variable analysis as proposed in Parker, Corrada Bravo and Leek 2013 A function for estimating surrogate variables by estimating empirical control probes A function for calculating the number of surrogate variables to estimate in a model
psva A function for estimating surrogate variables with the two step approach of Leek and Storey 2007
ssva A function for estimating surrogate variables using a supervised approach
sva sva: a package for removing artifacts from microarray and sequencing data
sva.check A function for post-hoc checking of an sva object to check for degenerate cases.
svaseq A function for estimating surrogate variables for count based RNA-seq data. A function for estimating surrogate variables with the two step approach of Leek and Storey 2007