Bioconductor annotation data package targetscan.Hs.egFAMILY2MIRBASE An annotation data object that maps miRNA families to miRBase identifiers targetscan.Hs.egMAPCOUNTS Number of mapped keys for the maps in package targetscan.Hs.egMIRBASE2FAMILY An annotation data object that maps miRBase identifiers to miRNA family names targetscan.Hs.egMIRNA Annotation of miRBase identifiers to associated data targetscan.Hs.egTARGETS Annotation data for TargetScane miRNA target predictions targetscan.Hs.egTARGETSFULL Annotation data for TargetScane miRNA target predictions targetscan.Hs.eg_dbconn Collect information about the package annotation DB