Simple Data Frames

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Documentation for package ‘tibble’ version 1.2

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tibble-package Simple Data Frames
add_column Add columns to a data frame
add_row Add rows to a data frame
all.equal.tbl_df Flexible equality comparison for data frames.
all_equal Flexible equality comparison for data frames.
as_data_frame Coerce lists and matrices to data frames.
as_tibble Coerce lists and matrices to data frames. Coerce lists and matrices to data frames.
as_tibble.default Coerce lists and matrices to data frames.
as_tibble.list Coerce lists and matrices to data frames.
as_tibble.matrix Coerce lists and matrices to data frames.
as_tibble.NULL Coerce lists and matrices to data frames.
as_tibble.table Coerce lists and matrices to data frames.
as_tibble.tbl_df Coerce lists and matrices to data frames.
column_to_rownames Tools for working with row names
data_frame Build a data frame or list.
data_frame_ Build a data frame or list.
enframe Converting atomic vectors to data frames
frame_data Row-wise tibble creation
glimpse Get a glimpse of your data.
has_name Convenience function to check presence of a named element
has_rownames Tools for working with row names
is.tibble Test if the object is a tibble.
is_tibble Test if the object is a tibble.
lst Build a data frame or list.
lst_ Build a data frame or list.
remove_rownames Tools for working with row names
repair_names Repair object names.
rownames Tools for working with row names
rownames_to_column Tools for working with row names
tibble Build a data frame or list.
tibble_ Build a data frame or list.
tribble Row-wise tibble creation